Page 8 - NAGC20 Reimagined! Interactive Daily Newsletter - Sunday, November 15, 2020
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Today’s Networking Event
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM EST
Recognizing Excellence and Celebrating Commitment in the
Field of Gifted Education
The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) recognizes the 2020 NAGC Award recipients at the 2020 Celebration of
Excellence Awards Ceremony! We will congratulate these outstanding educators, leaders, scholars, and advocates who support the
growth and development of all gifted and talented children.
Visit the Celebration of
Excellence Virtual Photo
Booth to capture this
special moment.
You are Cordially
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM EST
Invited to Join us at the
Awards Ceremony
NAGC 2020 Award Recipients
Ann E. Isaacs Founder's Award Distinguished Scholar Award
Carolyn Callahan, Ph.D., Commonwealth Professor, Curry School of Jean S. Peterson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Purdue University
Education, University of Virginia Distinguished Service Award
President's Award Catherine Little, Ph.D., Professor, University of Connecticut
Sally Krisel, Ed.D., Adjunct Faculty, University of Georgia Early Leader Award
Cindy Gilson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor & Academically or Intellectually
A. Harry Passow Teacher Scholarship Gifted Graduate Concentration Coordinator,
Konnie Davidson Risinger, Teacher, Madison County, MS University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Administrator Award Early Scholar Award
Michael Grego, Ed.D., Superintendent, Pinellas County Schools, FL Nielsen Pereira, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Purdue University
Community Service Award Gifted Coordinator Award
Ladona Gorham, Fauquier County Schools, VA
Mihyeon Kim, Ph.D., Director of Precollegiate Learner Programs, Lori Leibowitz, Norwalk Public Schools, CT
Center for Gifted Education, William & Mary Kathleen Plott, Klein ISD, TX
Jacqueline DeVries, Retired Teacher, IL Dornswalo Wilkins-McCorey, Virginia Beach Public Schools, VA
David W. Belin Advocacy Award Master’s & Specialist Award
The New Jersey Association for Gifted Children, Advocacy Committee Lynne F. Henwood, Head of School, FLEX School, NY
Roberta Braverman, Elaine Chesebro, Michelle Falanga, Lynne
Henwood, Michael Kaelber, and Jennifer Madsen