Page 9 - NAGC20 Reimagined! Interactive Daily Newsletter - Sunday, November 15, 2020
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Question of the Day: If you could ask the NAGC Current and Past Presidents one question about the future of
Gifted Education, what would it be? Please send questions to Kathleen Nilles at NAGC
leaders will answer your question during the Closing Keynote Session on Monday, November 16, at 4:15 PM
EST, in Theater 1.
NAGC20 Reimagined! Daily will be delivered each morning to your inbox covering the prior,
current, and next day’s events. Find important tips, news, photos, and stories from convention
events, “off the agenda” happenings, and highlights from social media.
Interested in sharing your thoughts about your experience at NAGC20 Reimagined!? Please
forward your comments or article to