Page 2 - NAGC Member Engagement & Resource Engagement Guide
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NAGC's mission is to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted
                                              and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research.
         NAGC’s                               We aim to help parents and families, K-12 education professionals including support

                                              service personnel, and members of the research and higher education community who
         Member                               work to help gifted and talented children as they strive to achieve their personal best and

         Benefits                             contribute to their communities.

         and                                  Working together, we will achieve the vision where giftedness and high potential are fully
                                              recognized, universally valued, and actively nurtured to support children from all
         Resources                            backgrounds in reaching for their personal best and contributing to their communities.

         will put a                           We are here to help the gifted education community take advantage of the wealth of

         smile on                             resources, learning and connections only available to NAGC members . This Member
                                              Engagement and Resource Guide will provide you with an overview of NAGC’s
         your face!                           member benefits and engagement opportunities. We are here to support you as

                                              you support the gifted and talented community.

                                              Feel free to contact Denise Weathers at or Adriane Wiles at
                                     should you have any questions about any of the resources mentioned

                                              in this guide.  If you are not an NAGC member, I hope you will be joining us soon at


                                              Jonathan Plucker, PH.D,

                                              NAGC President
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