Page 4 - NAGC Member Engagement & Resource Engagement Guide
P. 4

The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) was
                 About                         founded in 1954 by a group of 16 educators, administrators, and

                                               psychologists. This small group came together because of their
                           Us                  mutual belief that there should be a national effort for the

                                               identification, education, and motivation of gifted children. The

                                               goals that these pioneers put forth for the association still guide

                                               its activities today:

                                               • Stimulating and encouraging research and education of gifted


                                               • Making available and disseminating scientific information
                                                   concerning gifted children.

                                               • Encouraging the study of issues and best practices in working

                                                   with gifted children.
                                               • Providing classroom teachers with opportunities to study

                                                   improved methods of working with gifted children.

                                               • Publishing and reporting scientific and experimental
                                                   investigations related to gifted children and improved

                                                   practices for working with them.

                                               John Segota, MPS, CAE

                                               Executive Director
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