Page 1 - NAGC21 Daily News - Sunday, November 14, 2021
P. 1

Did you know that each year the NAGC
     convention offers two different scholar-
      ship programs—one for students and
                one for teachers?                     It’s no secret that gifted children are gifted 24/7/365. That’s why it’s im-
                                                      portant for parents and educators to create strong partnerships to best
                                                      serve the needs of their gifted students.
     Sponsored by the Special Populations Net-
                                                      NAGC welcomed more than 100 parents, grandparents, family mem-
      work, this NAGC award recognizes high-
                                                      bers, and caregivers on Saturday to help them better understand their
      achieving gifted Black students in public
                                                      children and to provide resources for helping them navigate the chal-
       school Grades 6-12. Students receive a
     monetary award, plus a trip to NAGC to at-       lenges they face. A morning Parent Day program, followed by luncheon
     tend and be recognized at the convention.        roundtables, visits to the Exhibit Hall, and the opportunity to attend ses-
     This year, NAGC is pleased to have award-        sions of their choice provided a full day of education, networking, ideas,
      ed students this important honor and fea-       and advocacy tips.
      tured them at the 10:30 AM Livestreamed
                                                      A planning team comprised of members from the Colorado Association
               Session on Saturday.
                                                      for Gifted and Talented and NAGC developed the program based on
                                                      two goals: bringing in a nationally known expert and author, and creat-
                                                      ing a platform for parents to hear directly from students what they need
       The NAGC Javits-Frasier Scholars Pro-
      gram  recognizes passionate, innovative         to be successful.
      educators who work in districts that serve
                                                      Dr. Edward Amend, clinical psychologist, The Amend Group, and co-
     students from low-income and minority pop-
                                                      author of Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children and Misdiagnosis and Dual
     ulations that are historically underrepresent-
      ed in gifted education. Each year, NAGC         Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults provided attendees advice on
     seeks applicants who would like to be part       best ways to serve their children in his session, “Practical Strategies for
     of a special cohort that includes NAGC con-      Guiding Gifted Children.”
      vention registration, ongoing mentorship,
      and professional development. You may           A student panel, called “Student Voices Panel: Ask Us! What It’s Like to
     have seen this cohort being guided by Jeff       Be Gifted and Talented from Our Perspective,” featured teens from the
      Danielian, NAGC’s Teaching for High Po-
                                                      CAGT Student Advisory Council and two Martin D. Jenkins Scholars,
     tential editor, who manages the program for
                                                      offered firsthand insight to parents on topics such as alleviating bore-
      NAGC and serves as host for the scholars
                                                      dom, multi-potentiality, motivation, enrichment, and talent development--
     at convention. Many thanks to these teach-
      ers for all they do to bring opportunities to   and tips for how parents can best support their kids. Miranda Harper,
          gifted students in Title 1 schools.         gifted coordinator from Morgan County School District, CO, moderated
                                                      the student panel. Students Kaya, Dana, Kyla, and Damilola wowed par-
                                                      ents with their eloquent self-reflections on their experiences.
      NAGC21 convention attendees hurriedly
                                                      While Parent Day attendees were able to drop in any NAGC21 session,
     scanned QR codes in the Exhibit Hall, earn-      the planning committee provided a curated list of Saturday sessions to
     ing points to be entered into daily raffles in   help navigate NAGC easily. Observers noticed many conversations be-
       NAGC21’s Scan & Win Scavenger Hunt.
                                                      ing had among parents and educators throughout the convention
       Attendees visited participating exhibitor
                                                      halls—further demonstrating the importance of home-school collabora-
     booths, answered trivia questions, and sub-
       mitted their entries through the NAGC21        tion in nurturing the whole gifted child.
      App. Congratulations to the winners of the
               NAGC21 Scan & Win!

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