Page 6 - NAGC21 Daily News - Sunday, November 14, 2021
P. 6
An Exclusive Newsletter for the NAGC 68th Annual Convention | November 14, 2021
Corner Chats were also a feature of the NAGC Infor-
Attendees browsed and purchased district and mation Exchange booth, where exhibitors held short
classroom standards, best practices, curriculum talks on various topics, including talent identification,
design, and classroom strategy books from the grade skipping, acceleration, and more. Thanks to
NAGC Information Exchange. Belin-Blank, Jodie Mahony Center for Gifted Educa-
tion, Northwestern CTD, and Pearson for organizing
these chats.
The NAGC21 Exhibit Hall served as an important place for attendees to learn about products
and services available to support their gifted children. Upon exiting, attendees looked forward
to NAGC22, which will be held in Indianapolis, Nov 17-20, 2022! Hope to see everyone in Indy
next year!