Page 1 - NAGC20 Reimagined! Daily Newsletter - November 14, 2020
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November 14, 2020

                         Big Ideas and Bold Vision:                                                Saturday

                 Opening Speakers Encourage Us To                                                 Highlights

                         Challenge The Status Quo

                                                                                                Featured Speaker

         NAGC20 officially kicked off Thursday   Yesterday also featured a sneak preview       Gilman W. Whiting
         night with the opening keynote by    of the 2018-2019 State of the States in          Professor of African
         digital special effects pioneer Scott   Gifted Education Report. It’s been a few         American and
         Ross. Using clips from many of the   years since the last State of the States          Diaspora Studies
         award-winning movies he had worked   report was published, and this upcoming         Vanderbilt University
         on throughout his career, Ross       version will include data from all 50
         described how creativity can take on   states and DC.
         many different forms. Getting past his
         own cultural bias helped him to      Presenters from the research team at
         understand how to work with and tap   the University of North Texas covered
         into the talents of many different   the results of the work and highlighted
         individuals into shaping the digital   preliminary findings. The full report will
         special effects that ultimately earned   be released in December.
         his digital design company many
         awards.                              Today is another packed day of learning.        Lessons Learned While
                                              Featured speaker Dr. Gilman Whiting            Jumping from a Perfectly
         Following an evening of Network      will share ideas to support educators in           Good Airplane:
         events, Friday morning opened with   getting past the fear of the unknown in            And Other Stories
         featured speaker Colin Seale of      “Lessons Learned While Jumping From a             Location: Theater 1
         thinkLaw. In a lively and engaging   Perfectly Good Airplane.” The Dr. Martin       11:00 AM – 11:45 AM EST

         presentation that inspired attendees,   D. Jenkins Scholars will be recognized at       Exhibitor Marketplace

         Seale discussed the importance of    2:15 PM EST, and with additional                   11:45 AM – 12:30 PM EST
         critical thinking to changing minds   breakout and Signature sessions
         and lives. Sharing personal examples   throughout the afternoon. The day will              Lounges
         from his own life, Seale highlighted   conclude with many opportunities to          11:45 AM – 6:00 PM EST
         how critical thinking is essential to   engage with other convention attendees
         achieving equity. “Critical thinking   at several Network events. Another jam-          Corner Chats
         requires context–it is not important   packed day to connect and learn, so       12:30 PM – 12:55 PM EST

         just for its own sake. Doing right is   make the most of it!
         more important than being right.”                                                   Breakout & Signature
                                                                                             1:15 PM – 6:00 PM EST
                                             “Closing the critical
                                                                                               Jenkins Scholars
                                             thinking gap is essential                         2:15 PM – 3:00 PM EST

                                             to making equity real at                        On-Demand & Posters
                                             the classroom level!”                                   24/7

                                             Colin E. Seale                                     Networking Events

                                                                                             6:30 PM – 9:00 PM EST
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