Page 2 - NAGC20 Reimagined! Daily Newsletter - November 14, 2020
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NAGC20 Reimagined!  HIGHLIGHTS

                                         Featured Speaker
       Lessons Learned While
     Jumping from a Perfectly

         Good Airplane: And              THEATER 1 - 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM EST
      Other Stories Occurring              This is the conversation we all need to have if we ever want to positively affect lives

        from the Fear of the             of ALL children.
               Unknown                     At conferences, educators of youth with gifts and talents are primarily practitioners,
                                         who for the most part while at the conference, become consumers of information.
                                         Most of us select our sessions by the title, subject, or the presenter(s). Some even
                                         select by time, like anything after 8:00 AM. But most of us stay within our comfort
                                         zone. For example, 2E (G&T + Disability) might be comfortable; but 3E, (G&T +
                                         Disability + Race/Sexual orientation/Low SES) might not be as comfortable. How can
                                         we better prepare ourselves to effectively address the learning of youth from
                                         demographics with which we are unfamiliar or that may make us uncomfortable?

                                         At NAGC 2019, two conversations around bias and eugenics caught my attention.
                                         The aftermath of these discussions left many educators divided. As a teacher,
                                         scholar, and parent, I believe we all must be conscientious consumers. So, beyond
                                         the convenience of the hour, or the sexy title, how do we vet the information we
       GILMAN W. WHITING                 take back to make a difference for our children? How do we unpack and utilize the

      Professor of African American      ideas presented?
          and Diaspora Studies
          Vanderbilt University          This talk strives to support educators in getting past the fear of the unknown, to
                                         explore disinformation, and to aid you in becoming a more conscientious consumer.
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