Page 3 - UTC 2023-24 Proposed Membership & Engagement Strategic Framework and Marketing Plan Part One
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Next-Level Approaches For UTC Growth and

                       Engaged Utilities Of The Future

                       UTC 75 Years. Serving Utilities. Serving You.

                   UTC 2022-23 Membership Landscape
       UTC is the leading organization that gives utilities of all ownership types a forum to discuss common
       telecommunications and technology challenges, opportunities, and solutions. UTC also facilitates relationships

       between core utility members and key vendors, who can join UTC as associate members.
       UTC provides educational opportunities to telecommunications and IT professionals, engineers, analysts, and
       technicians new to the field on pertinent issues, often at a highly technical level.

       UTC is known for its high retention rate. In 2022, UTC retained 96% of its overall membership: 95% Core Members and
       77% Associate Members. Five (5) new core members joined UTC in 2022, and four new core members in 2021. 100% of
       the core members who joined in 2021 were retained; however, as of February 1, one (1) new core member who joined in
       2022 has renewed their membership.

       My research identified that the most significant problem holding back membership growth for UTC is not consistently
       asking prospective members to join, as well as not having the following:

             A recent membership marketing plan includes defining UTC's value proposition and identifying segmented utility
             target markets with a marketing/communications timeline.
             Segmented marketing materials - promoting UTC as a one size fits all organization
             No organizational incentives or special offers. Membership is a push product. It is sold, not sought.

             Overreliance on a single channel (email and events) - Dependent upon annual, regional meetings, and email
             acquisition efforts. Email acquisition efforts have burned out email lists through overuse. No existing
             omnichannel strategy that uses a variety of methods like mail, phone, social media, paid digital ads, and sales
             efforts to get potential members.

             Need for more frequency of contact. Membership recruitment requires ongoing and consistent outreach.
             Lack of testing. When carefully measured, structuring statistically valid tests can determine what is working and
             what is not successful.  Some test outcomes, even minor changes, impact results by well over 100 percent.
             Without a testing strategy, UTC's recruitment program will substantially underperform.

             Neglecting the Call to Action - We are good at describing the benefits; however, we often need to tell the
             prospect what to do with the information.
             Promoting engagement opportunities on all levels 365 days a year.

       The UTC 2023-24 Proposed Membership Acquisition & Engagement Strategic Framework and Marketing Plan will
       outline short and long-term objectives for implementation for providing optimal member service, organizational growth,

       and member engagement, all starting with the  2022-2024 UTC Strategic Plan
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