Page 8 - UTC 2023-24 Proposed Membership & Engagement Strategic Framework and Marketing Plan Part One
P. 8

UTC Member Value Proposition
                                                What’s in it for me?


                Participate in Committees/Divisions: Volunteers help fulfill UTC's mission and promise to
                provide members with essential learning, compelling experiences, and powerful resources.

                The UTC Board of Directors has organized the committees to lead focus in key industry areas.
                Participation in committee and division working groups/projects, including the Security, Risk,

                and Compliance Committee, the Telecom Committee, the Public Policy Division, UtiliSite Council,
                and the IT/OT Committee, among others, and any related emails and conference calls.


                Access to all UTC periodicals, including the weekly “Intel” and the quarterly UTC Journal.

                Copies of UTC research reports on critical infrastructure communications issues and the
                option to purchase reports for which there is a discounted charge at the member rate.


                Receive recognition as a valued UTC Core Member in the online directory on

                While the member benefits are unique to UTC and valuable for our members, the UTC

                organization must communicate this value to its existing and potential members on an

                ongoing basis. Fortifying this “value proposition” depends on effective marketing and
                outreach strategies and working constructively with key industry stakeholders (APPA, AGA,

                EEI, EPRI, NRECA, domestic and global regulatory bodies such as those listed above) and

                valued technology partners.

                Leveraging multichannel technology advancements, such as web-based interaction
                (NETWORKS), social media engagement (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), and effective use of

                multimedia, are critical components to this communication as are relying on more basic

                but effective interactions like email alerts, conference calls, and in-person meetings.

                Establishing and maintaining strong communication conduits between the global UTC
                organizations and ten domestic regions are also important to achieving the membership

                retention and recruitment growth goals as we can learn from each other’s successes and

                missteps on a global basis – in various arenas, both from technical and policy standpoints.
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