Page 9 - NAGC21 Daily News Friday 11-12-21
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An Exclusive Newsletter for the NAGC 68th Annual Convention | November 12, 2021

    Friday Mile HighLights

     NAGC Network and Committee leaders gathered Thursday
     to hear updates on major activities and future planning of      The very talented Elite Jazz Band from Fairview High
     the association, chaired by NAGC President Lauri Kirsch.        School, Boulder, CO, entertained NAGC21 attendees
     NAGC Convention Task Force Co-Chairs Shelagh Gallagher          as everyone gathered for the NAGC21 Opening Ses-
     and Dornswalo Wilkins-McCorey also updated the leaders on       sion on Thursday.
     their work—examining the convention proposal, review, and

     program selection process and expanding opportunities into
     virtual environments.                                           Director Travis Keller accompanied all 12 band mem-
                                                                     bers, who were excited for the opportunity to share
                                                                     their talents with NAGC21 attendees.
     Don’t miss the artistic talents of Colorado students at the

     3rd Annual CAGT Art Contest. Each day, art will be dis-
     played for by different grade levels in this statewide con-     “The jazz band is here to represent all gifted and tal-
     test: Elementary (Thurs), Middle School (Friday), and High      ented students, especially those in the state of Colo-
                                                                     rado,” said Terry Bradley, past CAGT president.
     School (Saturday). The student art gallery is en route to the
     Aurora Ballroom & Exhibit Hall on the main lobby level.

          STAY SOCIAL!



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