Page 6 - NAGC21 Daily News Friday 11-12-21
P. 6

An Exclusive Newsletter for the NAGC 68th Annual Convention | November 12, 2021

                                                                    NAGC Network and Committee leaders met Thursday morn-
      The NAGC21 Registration Desk is the first stop for            ing to review current happenings at the NAGC national lev-
      attendees upon arriving at NAGC21. At Registration,           el, including updates from the NAGC Convention Task Force
      attendees check in, collect their badge, and receive          co-chairs on progress on NAGC's evaluation of convention
                                                                    proposal and review processes in order to make future con-
      conference materials.
                                                                    ventions most relevant to attendees.

    NAGC is grateful to the many volunteers like, left, Shan-  The NAGC21 Exhibit Hall officially opened on Thursday at 4:30
    non Fuller, teacher for the exceptionally gifted in North   PM with a ribbon cutting by Lauri Kirch, NAGC President and
    Kansas City Schools, and, right, Karin Rosedale, who    John Segota, Executive Director, and opening reception.  After
    works in the G/T program for  the Aurora Public Schools
    district. If you see a volunteer in a yellow t-shirt, be   Jeffrey Blount's keynote session, attendees visited exhibitor
    sure to thank them for their assistance in making       booths and attended a meet-and-greet book signing with the
    NAGC21 a huge success!                                  author.

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