Page 1 - NAGC21 Daily News Friday 11-12-21
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FRIDAY HIGHLIGHTS NAGC21 Kicks Off with Inspiring
Concurrent Sessions Opening Session
All Day
In addition to warm welcomes from NAGC and representatives from the Colo-
Exhibit Hall Open rado Association for Gifted and Talented Local
Host Committee, NAGC21 attendees were
9AM - 5PM
treated to an inspirational keynote message
from Jeffrey Blount, former TV producer and
Get to Know Your Networks author of The Emancipation of Evan Walls.
3:45-4:45 PM in various rooms Blount shared his journey of becoming a suc-
cessful journalist, television producer, and au-
Drop in and learn about NAGCs 16 networks and
thor—sparked in high school when a teacher
6 SIGs. All are welcome!
offered him complete creative freedom during
a writing assignment. Taking the challenge, he
NAGC Business Meeting
surprised fellow students and his teacher by
5-5:30 PM—Aurora Ballroom writing a story about a homeless man that was so powerful he realized there
Learn more about NAGC was a “power in using words to stop people in their tracks.” That set him on his
Celebration of Excellence Blount shared various experiences that shaped his life’s vision to help gifted
5:45-6:45 PM—Aurora Ballroom Black students like himself who didn’t feel welcome within their communities
because of their intellectual pursuits. He shared inspirational words from this
Congratulate NAGC 2021 Award winners
mother, who when he was a young man sharing his dreams with her, she said,
“What is more important: Giving a voice to gifted kids or worrying about what
NAGC Soiree people might say?”
7:30-9:30 PM—Aurora Ballroom He further shared real stories of Black students who are bullied for being gifted
DJ, line dancing, silent auction, fun! and how labels given to Black academically inclined students may cause aca-
demic paralysis. “We must be aware of what we lose when children withhold
their gifts—we all lose,” he said.
“In writing The Emancipation of Evan Walls, I would say our mission is similar: I
know you want to reach out and help these [gifted] children, and I am thankful
for that.. And I am truly thankful to be here to thank you in person,” Blount
“I wrote the book so that people would get mad, with the hopes that people
Program Updates
like you would advocate for gifted children. Know that I will be beside you in
Please see page 4 for program up- that walk.” After a standing ovation from the crowd, Blount signed books and
took photos with attendees in the Exhibit Hall for more than 90 minutes. NAGC
dates and changes.
will work with Jeffrey Blount to offer a virtual book talk to NAGC21 convention
attendees in early 2022.