Page 12 - UTC Membership Join Brochure v1
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                                                ADVOCACY                                                               COMMITTEES & DIVISIONS                                                                           RESOURCES

                      UTC advocates on the Hill, and in targeted states,                               Participate in Committees/Divisions: Volunteers help fulfill                                          New technologies and digital tools are
                       on the key policy issues related to private utility                                 UTC's mission and promise to provide members with                                              reshaping the day-to-day Access to all UTC

                           networks, including access to spectrum, IP                                   essential learning, compelling experiences, and powerful                                             periodicals, including the weekly “Intel”

                       transition, tower lighting, drone use, broadband                                 resources. The UTC Board of Directors has organized the                                                 and the quarterly UTC Journal. The

                      expansion, pole attachments, and cybersecurity.                                           committees to lead focus in key industry areas.                                           associate member online listing. Copies of

                       UTC is an effective advocate for these and many                                         Participation in committee and division working                                                    UTC research reports on critical

                              more issues. In addition, UTC provides                                           groups/projects, including the Security, Risk, and                                         infrastructure communications issues and

                        opportunities for other utilities throughout the                                   Compliance Committee, the Telecom Committee, the                                                the option to purchase reports for which

                          globe to engage as international members.                                         Public Policy Division, UtiliSite Council, and the IT/OT                                            there is a discounted charge at the

                                                                                                          Committee, among others, and any related emails and                                                                   member rate.

                                                                                                                                        conference calls.
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