Page 14 - UTC Membership Join Brochure v1
P. 14


                                                                      10                    We’re more than an association; we are an extension of your staff.

                                                                                            When you’re a UTC member you belong to one of the largest network

                                                                                            of utiities professions in the world.

       Sheryl Osiene-Riggs               Brett Kilbourne                Karnel Thomas                   Menen Fantay                    Teesa Banks              Tiffany Bennett-Jolly                Tracy Adams                   Claudia Alves                 Campbell Baskin

           President and CEO              SVP of Policy and           SVP of Membership and                IT Consultant                  Chief of Staff            Chief Strategy Officer       Senior Executive Assistant         Senior Association             Legislative Assistant
                                           General Council                    Meetings                                                                                                                                                 Coodinator

           Cordell Briggs                  Eric Wagner                    Peter Wilson                Brittany Luckett                 Doria Rhoads                Sandy McLafferty              Shawn McClafferty                   Kevin Lynch                   Jamar Rogers
       VP of Advocacy and Cyber         Manager of Advocacy          Director of Communications          Communications                Communications               Marketing Production                UX Designer            Senior Director(Interim VP         Director of Finance
                Security                                                 and Media Relations                Consultant                    Coordinator                      Designer                                                     of Finance)



         Juanita Campbell               Denise Weathers                  Cynthia Perez                 Bill Shoemaker                  Cheryl Stratos                  Kelly Moran               Kristi Middlebrooks

         Finance and Operations           VP of Membership and       Director of Education                President of                Convention Sales               Meeting Manager                    Sales and
                Manager                          Meetings                                           AHI Meeting Services                                                                             Event Manager
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