Page 13 - NAGC21 Exhibitor & Sponsor Prospectus
P. 13

Branding Opportunities (continued)

                                                                                                  NAGC21 | Nov 11-14 | Denver, CO

      Parent Day                                                   WIFI                                                INVESTMENT: $5,000

                                                                    Imagine how appreciative attendees will be to have WIFI access for all their
                                                                    devices. Sponsor name and logo will appear on on-site signage, website,
                                                                    onsite program book, and app.
      at NAGC21                                                    AISLE FLOOR SIGNS                                    INVESTMENT: $1,500

                                                                    Each Exhibit Hall aisle has 3 signs (front, middle and back of hall) marking
      Parents and others from the                                   the aisle numbers. These signs are at the front and back sections of the
                                                                    exhibit halls. Advertise your company logo and booth # on the aisle sign
      local community will be invited                               where your booth is located. Only one company per aisle is allowed.

      to attend Parent Day on
                                                                   SELF CHECK-IN                                        INVESTMENT: $1,500
      Saturday, November 13, 2021 to                                Sponsor Logo to appear at the top left corner of all Self Check-In computer

      help parents access resources                                 screens and 1 sign with logo acknowledging the sponsorship.

      and learn the ins and outs of                                SCAVENGER HUNT                                        INVESTMENT: $750

      raising a gifted child.                                       Attendees love this company trivia game played on the mobile app for
                                                                    exciting prizes! Each participating exhibitor will have a QR code sign
                                                                    for their booth. Attendees use the mobile app to scan the code-which
                                                                    then asks them to answer a question about the exhibitor’s company.  All
                                                                    questions are provided by the participating companies! This game will last
                                                                    all 3 days of the exhibit hall, with grand prizes for the winners handed out
                                                                    at the NAGC’s Networking Niche on the last day.

                                                                   NAGC TSHIRT                                                        $5000
                                                                    Place your company logo* with the NAGC21 Convention logo on the tshirt
                                                                    worn by all volunteers and for sale to attendees at the convention.
                                                                    *single color logo


              #NAGC21 QUESTIONS? Please contact Denise Fumagalli at 301-200-4616 ext. 114 or | | #NAGC
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