Page 12 - WI 2020 Highlights Report
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Leadership, Colleague and Engagement Team Reflections
“It is clear that the team feels better about accountability because we have strengthened the leadership alignment. I‘m proud of how the team as a whole has responded to that challenge.”
– Rick Laferriere, WI Director
“Promoting a culture of engagement for 2020 reached beyond our expectations! As colleague engagement advisor, I enjoyed the rich collaborations and helping build upon our success through people, our purpose and the powerful commitment of the team!”
– Olivia Lang, WI Director
“Our engagement team has empowered each of us to be our best and with that energy we have made great strides in driving our goals.”
– Greg Schmidt, WI Director
I appreciate working with a team The Fireside Chats, FitOn and Motivation
that cares about engagement and Mondays were amazing. We learned so
has creative ideas to increase team much about our WI team through the cohesiveness.” openness to reveal our weaknesses as
– Kally Wilson, WI Senior Consultant
well as tap into our strengths.”
– Lena Barkley, WI Advisor
“Being part of the engagement team has been a great opportunity to collaborate ideas and bring them to fruition for the Workforce Initiatives team.”
– Tami Hutchens-Nuñez, WI Advisor
The fireside chats provided a safe place Providing centralized training on standard ““
where we could explore important life operating procedures has brought cohesiveness
topics along with discussions about personal and professional challenges.”
– Melanie Kramer, WI Advisor
to the Workforce Initiatives team in the way we think about our programs and partnerships.”
– Mike Romesburg, WI Advisor
The Business Development team truly Motivation Monday is a great ““
enjoyed the fireside chats. The experience way to begin the week, and
provided our team with ideas to help drive the success of future Business Development Learning Sessions.”
– Charnetia Young, WI Advisor
the Fireside Chats engaged team members in learning from one another.”
– Stacey Butler/Duane Rohr WI Advisors