Page 23 - Nutrition Line Cookbook
P. 23

Nutrition Line Cookbook





                                                                     TROPICAL DREAM
                                                                     12–14 ounces coconut water
                                                                     2 scoops Vegan dōTERRA Protein
                                                                     1 banana, frozen
                                                                     1 cup strawberries
                                                                     1 drop Wild Orange essential oil

                   BANANA BONANZA                WILD ORANGE SWEET             CAREFREE WITH
                   1 cup cashew or almond milk   TREAT                         COCONUT
                   2 scoops Vegan dōTERRA        ¾ cup cashew or almond milk   ⅔ cup coconut milk
                   Protein                       2 scoops Vegan dōTERRA        2 scoops Vegan dōTERRA
                   1 banana, frozen              Protein                       Protein
                   1 teaspoon peanut butter      1 banana, frozen              2 cups raspberries, frozen
                   1 handful ice cubes           1 mandarin orange, frozen     1 banana, frozen
                   1 toothpick swirl Cinnamon    1 cup spinach                 1 drop Lime essential oil
                   Bark essential oil            1 handful ice cubes
                                                 1 drop Wild Orange essential oil
                            These recipes yield approximately two smoothie servings (8 ounces per serving). For those who prefer
                            a larger smoothie size for one serving, the recipe and amount of fiber can be adjusted accordingly.

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