Page 14 - Essential Oils & Children
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Essential oil DIYs
Another way to use essential oils with your children is by getting creative with essential oil do-it-yourself projects at home. You can
use essential oils for crafts, to create aromatic jewelry, during bath time, and more.
These essential oil confetti bath bombs provide a fun way for your children to enjoy the benefits of essential oils during bath time:
dōTERRA Essential Oil Confetti Bath Bombs
Ingredients 3. Mix well until soft dough is formed. It
1 cup baking soda should have the consistency of mildly-
½ cup cornstarch damp sand and should hold together
1 cup citric acid when pressed. If mixture is too wet, add
½ cup dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil baking soda and cornstarch.
10 drops of your essential oil of choice 4. Add food coloring and mix until color is
Sprinkles evenly distributed.
Food coloring 5. Press mixture firmly into silicone mold
Silicone mold and sprinkle the top with your favorite
party sprinkles. Let dry for 24 hours
Directions before removing from mold. (If you don’t
1. Place citric acid, baking soda, cornstarch, have a silicone mold, cupcake liners will
and Fractionated Coconut Oil into bowl. also work).
(Note: citric acid can be found in most 6. Bath bombs are ready to use! Simply
supermarkets in the canning section.) drop in tub full of water and allow to
2. Add your essential oil of choice. Oils like dissolve completely.
Lavender, Wild Orange, Clary Sage, and
dōTERRA blends like Citrus Bliss® or
dōTERRA Serenity® work well.
Make playtime even more fun with this aromatherapy play dough:
Aromatherapy Play Dough
Ingredients Directions
2 cups flour 1. Combine all ingredients, except for essential oils, in a
2 cups colored water large saucepan and stir until combined.
1 cup salt 2. Once combined, put over medium heat. Using a spatula,
1 tablespoon olive oil continue to stir ingredients together until it forms a ball.
1 teaspoon cream of tartar (Note: don’t overcook as it will lead to dry play dough.)
5 drops essential oils 3. Remove from heat and cool on parchment paper.
4. Once cool, add five drops of your favorite essential oil
and knead until thoroughly combined.
5. You’re done! Store in an air-tight container in the fridge
for months of fun.