Page 6 - 100 Uses for Essential Oils
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100 Uses for Essential Oils

         Diffuser Tips

             Avoid placing your diffuser in direct                   The amount of oil used and duration
             sunlight or near a fan. The heat from                   of diffusion will depend on the size of
             the sun could alter the chemical                        the room, placement and output of the
             structure of your oils, and air blowing                 diffuser, and air turnover in the room. If
             from a fan could make your diffusion                    you’re wondering how much oil to use
             less effective.                                         and how long to diffuse for, a good
                                                                     rule of thumb is to start with a small
                                                                     amount and work your way up from
                                                                     there as necessary.

             Be sure to clean your diffuser regularly,               When cleaning your diffuser, try to use
             according to the manufacturer’s                         natural cleaning agents, like water and
             instructions (this includes a deep                      vinegar. It’s also a good idea to unplug
             cleaning at least once a month)                         the device before cleaning.
             to avoid any oil buildup that could
             damage the diffuser or make diffusing
             less effective.

             Whether you’re using a diffuser to enjoy your favorite essential
             oils, or finding other creative ways to breathe in the pure aroma of

             oils, plenty of options exist when it comes to aromatic use. Let’s
             go over the first 10 of our 100 uses for essential oils with 10 ideas
             for aromatic use.

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