Page 10 - 100 Uses for Essential Oils
P. 10

100 Uses for Essential Oils

         Safety guidelines for
         topical use                                                 Know that some essential
                                                                     oils should always be diluted

         When applying any type of product to your skin (essential   before topical application
         oil or otherwise), it’s important to understand how to use the   due to their strong chemistry.
         product and be aware of how it may react with your skin or   Remember to always dilute the
                                                                     following oils with a carrier oil
         For example, before you use a new moisturizer, facial       before putting them on your
         cleanser, or other topical product, you probably look at    skin in order to avoid sensitivity:
         the back of the bottle to read the instructions and make
         sure you’re using it correctly. You might even glance at
         the ingredients to make sure the product doesn’t contain
         anything you know would irritate your skin. You would also
         probably pay attention to any warnings (such as “Keep
         product out of eyes”) to make sure you don’t cause any
         harm to your body. The same goes for essential oils. Before
         applying an essential oil topically, consider a few things.


         One way to ensure the safe use of essential oils—and even
         prolong the effects of topical use--is through dilution.
         While some people worry that diluting an oil takes away
         its potency or power, it actually extends the benefits of the
         essential oil by increasing absorption into the skin. The best
         way to dilute an essential oil before topical application is to
         combine it with a carrier oil like Fractionated Coconut Oil.
         For dilution, the best ratio is typically 10 drops of a carrier oil
         to one drop of essential oil.

                                                                     Keep in mind, this isn’t an exhaustive list, and many
                                                                     oils may need to be diluted based on your personal
                                                                     skin sensitivity. Make sure to read the label cautions
                                                                     prior to using any essential oil product.

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