Page 12 - 100 Uses for Essential Oils
P. 12

100 Uses for Essential Oils

         Sun sensitivity

         It’s important to note that some essential oils, particularly
         citrus oils, can cause sensitivity when exposed to sun or
         ultraviolet light after topical application. Because citrus oils
         have photosensitive compounds, exposure to sunlight, UV
         light, or sunlamps at least 12 hours after application can
         cause sensitivity for the skin. Essential oils that pose a risk
         for sun sensitivity will typically include a warning or caution,
         so be sure to carefully read oil labels before application.

         If you plan to spend a day at the beach, play with your kids
         at the park, or participate in any other outdoor activities
         where you’ll be exposed to the sun, make sure to plan
         accordingly. Keep in mind that most citrus essential oils
         cause photosensitivity, but other oils and essential oil
         blends have been known to pose a risk as well. Reading
         labels before application will help you avoid issues with

         Essential oils known to cause
         photosensitivity include:

                                                                Keep in mind, this isn’t an exhaustive list. Other blends and
                                                                products can also pose a risk for photosensitivity, so be sure
                                                                to read the label cautions prior to using any essential oil
                                                                product on the skin.

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