Page 13 - 2024_05 AASR Newsletter
P. 13

Newsletter                                         May  2024            Vol. 3 No. 5          Page 13

             Have you started your “Journey On” with
             Pathfinder yet? Now is a perfect time to get


             Where can I get more information on the

             Pathfinder Program?


             The current Officers include Ricky L. Swalm, 33° (Commander-in- Chief), Herbert J.
             Atkinson, 33° (Commander-in-Chief, Emeritus), Albert R. Marshall, 33° (Commander-in-
             Chief, Emeritus), Stephen

             J. McCarthy, 33° (1st Lt. Commander), William R. Stevens, Jr. 33° (1st Lt. Commander,
             Emeritus), William J. Shaw, 33° (2nd Lt. Commander), Glen F. Davis, Sr., 33° (Minister of
             State), Kennard

             E. Brown, III, 33° (Chancellor), David H. Lucius, 33° (Prior), Cesar

             E. Aniceto, 33° (Treasurer), Ronald P. Ferraro, 33°, MSA, SRMOY

             (Secretary), William F. Huxtable, Jr., 33° (Secretary Emeritus), Mark K. Button, 33°,

             MSA, (Master of Ceremonies), David J. Walters II, 33°, HGA, MSA (Hospitaler), Patrick L.
             Shearon, 32°, MSA (Seneschal), Fred M. Palmer, 33°, MSA, SRMOY (Standard Bearer),
             James M. Brady 33°, MSA, SRMOY (Captain of the Guard), John Badeen, 33°, MSA

             Feel free to contact me with any questions. Love, Light, & Service,

             Greg Vernicek 917-816-1042

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