Page 4 - 2024_05 AASR Newsletter
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Newsletter                                         May  2024            Vol. 3 No. 5          Page 4

                            2024 Council of Deliberations

                                   and Installations (cont.)

          Valley of Lower Delaware

          Lodge of Perfection

                     •  Thrice Potent Master                Eric Evans, 32⁰, MSA
                     •  Deputy Master                       Roger Willey, 32⁰, MSA

                     •  Senior Warden                       Gregory M. Vernicek, 32⁰, MSA

          Council of Princes of Jerusalem

                     •  Sovereign Prince                    Mike Pastuzyn, 32⁰
                     •  High Priest                         John Turansky, 32⁰, MSA

                     •  Senior Warden                       James Lawrence, 32⁰, MSA

          Chapter of Rose Croix

                     •  Most Wise Master                    James Coulbourne, 32⁰, MSA

                     •  Senior Warden                       Roland Cohee, Jr., 32⁰
                     •  Junior Warden                       Joseph Rogers II, 32⁰, MSA

          Knights of St. Andrews

                     •  Chief                               Gregory M. Vernicek, 32⁰

                     •  Chieftain                           Roland Cohee, Jr., 32⁰
                     •  Headsman                            Roland Cohee, Sr., 32⁰
                     •  Secretary                           Jack McDuff, 32⁰, MSA

                     •  Treasurer                           Arthur Sutton, 32⁰
                     •  Sentinel                            Earl Sennett, 32⁰

                     •  Chaplain                            Josh McDuff, 32⁰

          Valley Officers

                     •  Secretary                           Jack McDuff, 32⁰, MSA
                     •  Treasurer                           Pat Shearon, 32⁰, MSA

                     •  Tiler                               Earl Sennett, 32⁰
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