Page 30 - 3Q HUB newsletter
P. 30

Chet                        children and youth orga-   a rapport that includes     life of the Rhoads family.

                                                                                              His wife of 25 years,
                                                               having some “very tough
                                    nizations that he is most
                    From Page 28    passionate about.          conversations.”             Annmarie, operates a ho-
                                       “There are some things      “He lives in a really bad   tline for abused women
                                    you can’t put a dollar     part of town,” Rhoads       from their home, volun-
        ness and, in turn, reduce   value on.”                 said. “We talk about ev-    teers at their church and
        a revolving door of work-      Rhoads is vice chair-   erything. We talk about     conducts weekly multi-
        ers.                        man of The Highmark        his grades.                 ple food runs to families
           “Turnover costs an       Caring Place, which pro-      “He has to go to col-    facing food insecurities.
        organization more than      vides support and com-     lege; it’s a non-discus-       “She absolutely has
        anything else. That hourly   fort for grieving children   sion. His dad’s incarcerat-  a platform for helping
        worker will leave for an    and adolescents who are    ed. We talk very openly     people. She’s an advo-
        extra dollar to go some-    dealing with the death of   on how we need to break  cate for abused women,
        where else,” he said. “But   a loved one.              those chains and it’s       for the hungry. She is
        if you can come in with        He also sits on the     not awkward at all. He      an amazing woman,” he
        solutions to make them      board of the Marcus        embraces it,” Rhoads        said.
        feel relevant so they are   L. Ruscitto Charitable     continued.                     They are the parents of
        able to put some money      Foundation, which offers      “He gets good grades.    two daughters, Lexie, 23,
        away, have some health-     grants to young adults     I’m not going to kid        a schoolteacher, at South
        care and create a better    to start their own busi-   you, he gets in trouble,    Fayette Township School
        place for them, that will   nesses. The foundation     has been expelled from      District; and Allie, 21, a
        help reduce turnover.       also funds anti-bullying   school. We have very        junior at West Virginia
        That’s a goal that I would   initiatives in the schools.   tough conversations.    University.
        like to continue to work       For the past seven      I ask him, ‘How is that        “If I impact one per-
        on.”                        years, Rhoads has men-     going to change the         son’s life each day,
           While leading HUB        tored an inner-city youth   trajectory of where your   whether it’s by some
        HDH to new heights          through the Bridges        life’s going to go?’ He     small act of kindness or
        remains important to        Mentoring Program.         gets it.”                   mentoring or volunteer-
        Rhoads, it is his volun-    Rhoads and the teen-          Helping those in need    ing, I’ve done my thing,”
        teer work with various      ager, now 14, developed    is a constant in the daily   he said.

        Lynne                       something as an office, I   and entrepreneurship       said.

                                                               throughout western
                                    think it’s very important
                                                                                              In her down time, Lynne
                    From Page 29    that leadership partici-   Pennsylvania.               enjoys cooking, wine-tast-
                                    pates,” she noted.
                                                                                           ing, traveling and golfing,
                                                                  She is also a graduate
                                       Lynne volunteers with   of the Leadership Pitts-    the latter gained her inter-
        we’re all busy.’ I’ve       the United Way Day of      burgh Class of XXIX.        est during the pandemic.
        always been a straight      Caring, Habitat for Hu-       In 2019, Lynne par-         She also enjoys spend-
        shooter. I’m a ‘what-you-   manity, The Lymphoma       ticipated in the presti-    ing time with her Cavapoo
        see-is-what-you-get’        Leukemia Society (she      gious Thayer Leadership  puppy, Henry, and of
        kind of person.”            is Team HUB captain for    program at West Point.      course, family and friends.
           Both her co-workers      its Executive Challenge),   The program, which is         Her foundation remains
        and clients know that       the Greater Pittsburgh     located on the grounds      relationships. Her dad
        about Lynne.                Area Food Bank and The     of West Point, features     is still her mentor and
           So, channeling her in-   Watson Institute, an edu-  female West Point           biggest supporter that
        ner Joe Friday is appre-    cational organization for   graduates as instructors   anything can be accom-
        ciated, especially after 15   special needs children   who share leadership        plished by hard work and
        months of virtual meet-     in Sewickley. She also     skills with women from      strong work ethic.
        ings.                       participates in various    various businesses. The        “My success is not just
           “I move in so many       fundraising activities for   goal is to build leaders   because of my efforts.
        directions, I try to check   nonprofits, such as the   with a simple premise —     I would not be where I
        things off as quickly and   Susan G. Komen Breast      that character is foun-     am today without a team
        effectively as I can,” she   Cancer Walks and the      dational to the ability to   who supports me as
        said.                       Civic Light Opera.         lead.                       well as the support and
           While her meetings run      For three years, she       “What an amazing and     trust from our leadership
        efficiently, Lynne does     served as a board mem-     empowering experience.      team at HUB. I couldn’t
        like to take her time vol-  ber of Bridgeway Capital,  I use what I learned every   do what I do and be as
        unteering in the commu-     an organization that pro-  day to strive to be the     effective as I am without
        nity.                       motes economic growth      most effective leader that   the support of everyone
           “Every time we do        through small businesses   I possibly can,” Lynne      around me.”
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