Page 29 - 3Q HUB newsletter
P. 29

411                International HDH

        Lynne                                                                                 “I guess you could say
                    From Page 2 “
                                                                                           I really started at the
                                                                                           bottom within our de-
                                       I would not be where I am today
                                       without a team who supports me                      partment ranks and over
                                                                                           21 years worked my way
        tion with a concentration                                                          up to where I am today,”
        in marketing at Robert         as well as the support and trust                    she said.
        Morris University in Moon      from our leadership team at HUB.                       Though entrenched in
        Township.                                                                          a male-dominated pro-
           When a co-worker            I couldn’t do what I do and be as                   fession, Lynne is revered
        suggested she send her         effective as I am without the                       by all staff members.
        resume to a large global                                                           They find her work ethic
        insurance firm, she ad-        support of everyone around me.                      — a quality she cred-
        mitted she was reluctant                                                           its to her father, Bruce
        at first but was intrigued.                                              ”         Fletcher, who instilled
        “It was a whole new                      — LYNNE FLETCHER                          this in her at a young age
        world I never thought                                                              — impressive, and her
        about,” she said.                                                                  encyclopedic knowledge
           “I had no idea what                                                             of the industry, which
        opportunities existed in    deal,” according to her    those new to the indus-     makes her like the office
        the insurance field. When  co-workers. Knowledge-      try.                        Google, awe-inspiring.
        I was in college, I was     able and affable, Lynne       “I started at the lowest      “A lot of my days are
        interested in pursuing      and her P&C division       level in the P&C depart-    spent helping others find
        a marketing role, but I     helped HUB HDH achieve  ment,” the Sewickley           solutions to provide our
        found most of those jobs    record sales in 2020, a    resident said. “And I       clients and prospective
        wanted someone more         year most struggled with   hope it shows people, es-   clients with cost-effec-
        seasoned,” said Lynne.      business continuity. HUB   pecially women, that you    tive risk management
           Lynne got the job in     HDH sales revenue in-      can start there and still   solutions to protect their
        insurance — and for the     creased from $20 million   become one of the top       balance sheets,” she said.
        next 3 ½ years worked       to $33 million, thanks to   executives in our region.”      And Lynne wouldn’t
        in the Risk Management      Lynne’s ability to lead       Lynne also has a few     have it any other way.
        Casualty Department         her team to successfully   superpowers — she’s a          “I want to be ap-
        servicing large accounts    adapt to remote work       pro at multi-tasking and    proachable. I never want
        while also building and     during the pandemic.       can stay laser-focused to   to make people feel
        sourcing the vendor-bro-       Her contributions also   tend to the smallest of    that I don’t have time
        ker-client relationship.    were responsible for a 10   details.                   for them.”  She will push
           It didn’t take long      percent increase in new       “Yes, I’m probably       her work to the back
        for HUB Internation-        hires in 2020.             more detailed-orient-       burner to help someone
        al (known as The HDH           For Lynne, business     ed than others when         else. Rarely does Lynne’s
        Group then) to take         relationships are the      it comes to handling        workday end at 5 p.m.
        notice of the young         foundation of everything.  accounts,” she said with       “I like to collaborate
        account executive who          She credited key        a laugh. “I deal with the   with my team. How can I
        brokered deals in the       relationships with HUB     C-suite folks and HR        help? I’m more of a talk-
        most challenging of cir-    HDH members as being       directors, so you need to   it-out-kind-of-person,”
        cumstances. In the early    “integral in my getting    be on top of the details.”   she said.
        2000s, she joined the       the job.” She started as      Lynne has been the          However, there’s one
        HUB HDH team.               a P&C associate account    point-person when it        thing she won’t do and
           Starting on the bottom   executive before working  comes to negotiating         that’s waste staff’s time.
        rung of the industry’s      her way up to account      the most cost-effective        “My team likes that I’m
        ladder, Lynne worked        executive and then assis-  insurance programs and      not a lot of small talk
        her way up through the      tant manager. Her innate   providing risk solutions    but am very personable.
        years to C-suite status at   abilities to supervise    for business vulnerabili-   When it comes to busi-
        HUB HDH, while simulta-     and mentor employees,      ties.                       ness, I like to stay on
        neously gaining loyalty     as well as develop and        After her promotion      point,” she said. “They
        and respect from peers      liaise long-term business   to department manager,     tell me, ‘You don’t waste
        to producers, clients to    relationships made her a   Lynne was appointed as      our time and you’re cog-
        carriers.                   standout and an inspira-   chief marketing officer, a   nizant of the fact that
           She is the “real         tion to others, especially   role she still embraces.        See LYNNE, Page 30
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