Page 24 - 3Q HUB newsletter
P. 24

ICYMI                                                           how-tos and other interesting

                                                                                    Cool stuff,

            In Case You Missed It ...                                  tidbits that invaded your email
                                                                                inbox during 3Q

           1    Boosting Self-Confidence

           Thomas Edison never considered himself a failure.
        He simply found 10,000 ways that didn’t work.
           That was the over-arching theme of the July 23 Life-
        Works webinar, “How to Boost Your Self-Confidence,”
        presented by Shanti Douglas. The well-attended
        session gave practical advice on how to turn negative
        thinking into positive thinking.
           Among the discussions were exploring low self-confi-
        dence traits, such as insecurity, expecting the worst, thinking
        poorly of themselves, trying to please others more than
        themselves and, of course, negativity.
           The key is to update your views of “perfectionism, mis-     ◊ Thinking positively.
        takes and failure.”                                            ◊ Being determined.
               ◊ No one is perfect and you don’t have to be perfect      ◊ Being goal-oriented.
                         either.                                       ◊ Acting responsibly.
               ◊ A mistake is not a failure. Everyone makes mis-        Some of the advice offered to boost self-confidence was
                  takes.                                       applying “thought stopping and thought substitution. If you
               ◊ Remove the word “failure” from your vocabulary   have trouble stopping your negative thoughts, tell yourself,
                  altogher as successful people do.            “STOP!” Then, substitute an entirely different thought.
           Traits of people with high self-confidence may include:     An example: “You can’t do anything right. You never do
               ◊ Loving and believing in themselves.           anything right.”
               ◊ Accepting themselves as they are.                “STOP!” (And substitute different positive thoughts.)
               ◊ Being ambitious.                                 “I make good decisions. It’s OK to make a mistake.”
               ◊ Being risk-takers.                               Positive affirmations will go a long way!

                                                 Ideas to get you on the path to self-confidence!
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