Page 21 - 3Q HUB newsletter
P. 21
This is my picture of
starting kindergarten (a
long time ago), here in
Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Kin-
dergarten was held in a Molly Kelley, 5
private home in my neigh- Client | Claim Advocate
CBUS office
borhood. I was 5 years ***********
old. My doll, Stella, went Kindergarten
too. Neighborhood home
Reynoldsburg, OH
Lisa Fitzgerald Micco, 5
Marketing Coordinator “
PGH office
************ The Catholic school in my
Kindergarten township didn’t offer kin-
First Methodist Church dergarten yet, so I went to a
New Castle, PA nearby Methodist Church. It
had the most amazing play-
ground with swings, slides,
I still have a merry-go-round and mon-
this lunch box
and matching key bars. The latter was the
thermos! location of a kindergarten
scandal involving a class-
mate, Rebecca, who liked to
hang upside down in a dress
“ same girl who stole my new
for the boys. This is also the
120-count box of Crayola
I got my sister’s hand-me-down Crayons in second grade,
H.R. Pufnstuf lunch box, which was lied after being confront-
practically new. (She preferred brown bags by then.) I loved ed and then returned them
the TV show, but the trees on the lid and Witchiepoo and her
henchmen on the side creeped me out. I’d ask classmates open unopened at the end of the
the lunch box for me, claiming the latch was stuck. (Genius, I school year. Her excuse for
thought.) Once my parents found out about my shenanigans, I the theft? “I didn’t want you
scored the kinder, gentler Scooby Doo lunch box. However, the to have them.” True to my
next day at lunch I noticed the headless horseman on the lid Irish-Italian heritage, I still
with Shaggy and Scooby. That latch got stuck a lot, too ... hold a grudge.
Rambo (the last metal
The Beatles The Munsters lunch box made)
(1963): $1,800 (1965): $2,050 (1985): $380
The Jetsons
Lion King’s Gunsmoke (with the
(1963): $1,700
Simba “head” typo of “Marshall”)
(1990s): $100 (1959): $1,200