Page 16 - 3Q HUB newsletter
P. 16

        That’s the ticket!

        Amy Victor’s husband wins new

        SUV in raffle — its delivery date
        will make Amy’s Best. Birthday. Ever!

           As the late Tom Petty once
        sang, “The waiting is the hard-
        est part.”
           Amy Victor, SRM (Pgh of-
        fice), and her husband, Larry,
        can attest to that.
           The Ellenboro Volunteer Fire
        Department in West Virginia
        holds an annual Summer Bash,
        which took place July 24. It is
        annual fundraising event where
        prizes are awarded every 10
        minutes from noon to 7 p.m.
        For the past 10-plus years,          Amy Victor’s 2021 Ford Bronco Sport 4x4 Badlands is expected to be
        Larry has bought a raffle ticket  delivered to the dealership Nov. 8 — just in time for her birthday.
        through the mail; however, he
        does not actually attend the         she said, adding a “Woo hoo!”        news Oct. 5. The Bronco Sport
        event as winners need not be            Delivery of the Bronco Sport      has been shipped and the new
        present — and this year he got       was delayed for several weeks,       estimated date of delivery is
        lucky.                               then months since their win          Nov. 8, which coincidentally is
           Larry had the winning ticket      was announced. Apparently,           Amy’s birthday.
        for a 2021 Ford Bronco Sport         a computer chip shortage has            “It will be the best birthday
        4x4 Badlands.                        caused production to slow.           gift ever!  We can’t be more ex-
           The timing couldn’t have          Couple that with the backup of  cited about winning, and as far
        been more perfect, Amy said.         cargo ships and supply chain         as I’m concerned, it can’t get
           “We were going to start look-     disruptions, the delivery date       here fast enough!” Amy said.
        ing for a new car for me and         was pushed back to the end of           Congratulations on the new
        now, we don’t have to because        the year.                            Bronco Sport and Happy Birth-
        it will be the Bronco Sport!”           However, Amy received good  day, Amy!

                                               WORTH QUOTING
                        “Hustle until your haters ask if

                                           you’re hiring.”                          ~ Steve Maraboli

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