Page 14 - 3Q HUB newsletter
P. 14
Congratulations ♦ Salutations ♦ Graduations
Our HUB HDH family
keeps growing
Highmark Golf Clinic Outing
Tracy Byrne, senior consultant, Ellen
Crook, client manager, and Lauren Kelly,
client development coordinator, hit the
links during the 2021 Highmark Produc-
er Golf Clinic on Aug. 30 at the Pitts-
burgh Field Club. PGA instructors were
on hand to provide guidance on driving,
It's a girl!
pitching and putting.
Congratulations to Kelli and
Jason Zangus who welcomed
Charlee Grace Zangus on Wednes-
day, August 25, 2021.
Baby Charlee made her
way into this world at 9:35
p.m., measuring 20 1/4 inch-
Chris Eastly, vice president | senior risk ser- es long and weighing 7 lbs.
vices consultant (Pgh) and family celebrate 2 oz. The Zangus family is
the graduation of daughter Olivia from Kent doing fantastic!
State University, where she majored in pub- Kelli is a benefits
lic relations and minored in marketing. The administrator at HUB's
Class of 2020 was invited back this fall to Pittsburgh office.
celebrate in-person. Go Flashes!