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P. 10

Columbus office receives impressive score

           “Friendly” was the top word used                              2021     time the survey was taken and had
        by HUB Columbus office staff in the                                       100% participation, Jason Bainum,
        2021 Best Places to Work survey,                                          SVP and office lead, and his team
        sponsored by Columbus Business                                            should be proud of their accom-
        First publication.                                                        plishments, positive attitudes and
           Of course, those who have had                                          contributions to a friendly and
        the pleasure of collaboring with the                                      engaging workplace.
        Cbus team would certainly concur.    did not choose HUB Cbus this year       The office joined the HUB family
           That was just one of the posi-    in its Best Places to Work microsite   Jan. 1, 2021, after its acquisition.
        tive findings released by Quantum    category, which consists of fewer    That transition alone would be a
        Workplace, the firm responsible for    than 25 employees.                 challenge, but add an ongoing pan-
        administering the CBF survey and        Given that the Cbus office had    demic into the mix, and you can see
        scrubbing the data.                  14 staff members — that’s just four   why the HUB Cbus team deserves
           Although the Cbus office gar-     above the minimum 10-employee        such accolades. The following info-
        nered an impressive 94%, judges      requirement to participate — at the   graphics provide more insights.

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