Page 8 - 3Q HUB newsletter
P. 8

TC                       B

             TCBcontinued ...
                                                  continued ...
                                                                                 Click to listen to “Takin’ Care of Business”
                      TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS                                       by Bachman Turner Overdrive

        Margy                                                                     Margy has submitted rough-

                                                                                  ly 12 letters on other cases,
                         From Page 7                                              which were denied.
                                                                                     The widow can now have
        worked to resolve the issue.                                              some closure to her hus-
           As Joanna explained, “An                                               band’s death — because
        individual was at her hunting                                             every time a denial letter hit
        camp with her husband and                                                 her mail, it would transport
        decided to leave a few days             “She wrote the letter tak-        her back to that terrible day
        early.                               ing into account the human           and force her to relive that
           “She became concerned             side of this situation and not  tragedy. The woman shared
        when she was unable to               just viewing it as a task to         that information when she
        reach him. Someone went              complete her job,” Joanna            was contacted about the
        to check on him, found him           said in an email.                    claim approval.
        unconscious and called an               Her efforts were not in              Margy was happy knowing
        ambulance. Tragically, he            vain.                                she was able to help ease
        passed before the ambu-                 Margy received confir-            this women’s pain.
        lance arrived.”                      mation in mid-July that the             “I wanted to give Margy a
           Margy, who has been with          Insurance Commission ap-             shout-out and thank her for
        HUB for 20-plus years, was           proved the request for the           everything she does for our
        contacted after the medical          claim to be covered.                 company, always having a
        carrier denied covering the             “This is a huge personal ca-      smile on her face, a patient
        claim for the ambulance.             reer achievement for Margy,”         ear with our customers (they
           There was an ongoing bat-         Joanna said. “It is rare for the  all love her!), her hard work
        tle to get the claim resolved,  Insurance Commission to not  on my personal clients, and
        so Margy decided to write a          side with the carrier. Margy         to share acknowledgement
        letter to the Insurance Com-         was very excited to hear the         of this recent achievement.
        mission to explain how the           claim was approved.”                 Great job Margy!” said Joan-
        tragic event unfolded.                  Throughout her career,            na.

             Customers are like teeth.

             Ignore them and they’ll go away.

                                                            — JERRY FLANAGAN

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