Page 3 - 3Q HUB newsletter
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411 International HDH
3Q & 4Q 5
Celebrating Arthur Goldberg
BIRTHDAYS Assistant Vice President | Transportation
Pittsburgh office
Where’s your favorite place in the
JULY Kristen Schoeneberg- 1 world?
er — 10/1
Scott Bash — 7/2 Tammy Scott — 10/2 My favorite place in the world is Hilton Head, S.C. I
Mandey Ryan* — 7/4 Drew Lucatorto — still have a lot of traveling to do in my lifetime,
(*Fourth of July 10/3
baby!) Tracy Byrne — 10/4 but I am a complete beach bum.
Joe Schmitt — 7/7 Wendy Garavuso — All I need is a beach chair, a
Kayla Miller — 7/10 10/5 Frosty Frog slushee and maybe
Jackie Vetterly — Diane Smith — 10/6 some Jimmy Buffet and I am a
7/13 Chris Eisenreich — 10/7
Richard Katz — 7/13 Carrie Jaco — 10/7 happy camper.
Florian Rajakovich — 7/15 Jan Pokrifka — 10/8
Mark Pettitt — 7/19 Chet Rhoads — 10/10 What is one thing you
Trevor Walbridge — 7/20 Sharon Kruise — 10/11 2 cannot resist?
Lynne Fletcher — 7/21 Nicole Schmitt — 10/11
Melinda Fleming — 7/23 Cindy Faulhaber — 10/12 ICE CREAM. Specifically, Moose
Jack Onodi — 7/25 Norma Adlesic — 10/13 Tracks. As a Wisconsin Alum (dairy
Beth Bindas-Vernon — 7/29 Nate Burtt — 10/15
Mark Hondru — 7/31 Tom Oles — 10/16 capital of the world), I’ve had the pleasure of tasting
Chuddy Carless — 10/18 some of the world’s finest ice creams! Even though my
AUGUST Nancy Buszinski — 10/23 whole family went to PSU and they talk about some
Maria Sever — 10/24 dinky creamery, I stand by this statement! Ha ha!
John Moore — 8/1 Dave Meinert — 10/27
Corey McLaughlin — 8/2 What’s your favorite movie?
Megan Burchick — 8/8 Joe Kelly — 10/27
Mark Salvia* — 10/31
Steve Wagner — 8/12 3 “Misery.” This is a 1990 psychological thriller
Robert King — 8/15 Kathy Davies* — 10/31 based off a Stephen King novel. This movie is beyond
(*Halloween babies!)
Lindsey Good — 8/18
John Vanerstrom — 8/20 suspenseful. Kathy Bates freaks me out, man! Let me
Jason Bainum — know what you think of the “hobbling” scene if you
8/21 NOVEMBER do check this movie out.
Curt Hesidenz — Jill Runser — 11/4
How do you take your coffee?
8/21 Amy Victor — 11/8 4
Vince Maromonte Melody Winnen — 11/9
— 8/23 Joe Prescott — 11/13 During the summer, I like the cold brews from
Suzanne Hallum — Tracy Irwin — 11/15 Dunkin’ Donuts. In the winter, I go to Starbucks for the
8/25 Lisa Zosky — 11/26 pumpkin drinks and all the other times of the year, I
Adam Kephart — Joanna Wolf — 11/29
8/27 Sallie Cerrie — 11/30 am usually sipping an Americano — unless of course, I
Heather Sherman — 8/28 am in the office, which in that case I will have a cup of
Matt Potosnak — 8/31 the absolutely delicious Starbucks Pike! Shout out to
DECEMBER Lindsey for keeping the office stocked! WOO!!
Jean Kowalecki — 12/08
SEPTEMBER Mary Pietrzyk — 12/12
Deneen Onodi — 9/6 Margy Calabrese — 12/13 What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?
Bethany Dressler — 9/7 Luke Mary — 12/14 5 I would like to take this opportunity to show some
Carol Mangold — 9/11 Jeremy Tuckfelt — 12/16
Lauren Kelly — 9/12 Lisa McKinney — 12/17 love to my favorite sushi restaurant, Little Tokyo in
Molly Kelley — 9/18 Mary Curran — 12/19 Mt. Lebanon. I have been housing sushi rolls there
Joe McGrath — 9/24 Ellen Crook — 12/19 for over a decade. I am not sure that it is the single
Jon Cronin — 9/25 Suzanne Bowers — 12/21
Monica Rader — 9/26 Tiffany Paul — 12/22 best meal I have ever had but in terms of consistent-
Allen Miller — 9/28 Courtney Gorby* — 12/25 ly great sushi, you must check it out! If you do go, I
(*Christmas baby!) recommend the Anniversary Roll, Dean Roll, Yummy
OCTOBER Jim Cuff — 12/26 Roll, Discovery Roll and one of my favorites, Unagi,
Christine Shirk* — 12/31
Jennifer Blount — 10/1 (*New Year’s Eve baby!) which is eel for my non-sushi-eating readers.