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HUB nabs national honor
Thanks to your votes, HUB wins Stevie Awards Gold
To paraphrase actress Sally winners, will be honored during a
Field’s 1985 Oscar acceptance virtual ceremony Nov. 17.
speech, “We can’t deny the fact Here’s what a few of the judges
that you like us ... You like us!” had to say:
After all, it was your daily votes • “Love the commitment to peo-
for HUB International that pushed ple — their diversity, their financial
the company from nominee to Gold wellbeing and their health. Really
Winner in the sixth annual Stevie refreshing approach.”
Awards for Great Employers. • “Strong application and
The Stevies are one of the pre- demonstration of commitment to
mier employer recognition awards. employee wellbeing including new
There were 950 nominations from initiatives to assist employees to Help HUB
29 different countries for the learn and grow.” recognize this great
roughly 60 categories. Special thanks to Kelley Wade win by downloading
HUB was first selected as a nomi- of Salesforce Development who our Stevie Award
nee, which was a victory in itself, for raised the opportunity for HUB to
the amazing job it did supporting share its story. Kelley was joined Gold Winner
its employees and customers during by Debbie Plager, Amanda Payne, signature badge.
2020. Then the voting began. Kate Golemo and Mike Miller. Chris
HUB, along with the rest of the Condon created the video.
The Stevies are
determined by Stay tuned for more details
a combination on how to watch the Nov. 17
awards ceremony! And be sure
of the scores to “like” and share our LinkedIn
from professional
judges, employee and Instagram posts about the
votes and the Stevies.
general public.
Claims advisor praised for her tenacity, compassion Margy
Margy Calabrese proved a tragic and life-altering claims advisor
that the pen is indeed event. (Pgh), gets
mightier than the sword. Joanna, VP and Small the Insurance
Margy, claims advisor Group Employee Benefits Commission
(Pgh), provided assistance Manager (Pgh), recounted to approve
when a client of Joanna the tenacity, empathy and previously
Wolf’s had an employee patience Margy showed as denied claims.
who recently experienced See MARGY, Page 8