Page 6 - 3Q HUB newsletter
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New Employees
Welcome! The following joined the APB
HUB HDH team in 3Q 2021:
CURT HESIDENZ, sales executive
(Pgh) — 7/6/2021
RICHARD KATZ, sales executive
(Pgh) — 7/6/2021 ‘Focusing on Our People’
DOMINICK VETICA, sales executive All-Points Bulletin HUB celebrated Employee Ap-
Your APB on department news,
(Pgh) — 8/16/2021 success stories, staff announcements, preciation Day on Sept. 22 with
TAYLOR JACO, administrative promotions, new hires and more! the theme “Focusing on Our People.”
Spearheading the events for our re-
assistant (Erie) — 8/25/2021 gional offices were April Arnold, SVP
JEANNIE SKIBA, administrative Send your HUB HDH of Operations (Pgh)and Adam Ke-
assistant (Cbus) — 9/7/2021 office news for 4Q phart, office manager (Pgh). Employ-
KRISTIE RICK, senior associate If you would like to announce staff ees received a $30 Amazon e-gift card
and offices closed at 1 p.m. so every-
account executive (Erie) — 9/7/2021 promotions, retirements, new hires, one could take some time for them-
department news, etc., please send selves. Raffles were held throughout
information to Lisa Micco, marketing the morning for all non-management
coordinator, at lisa.micco@hubinterna- and non-producing employees. Adam Information will be collected conducted the raffles and announced
for upcoming newsletters. Send pho- the winners each hour:
tos, too! Send early, send often! ◊ 9 a.m. drawing: Tiffany Paul
(Hburg) and Melody Winnen (Erie),
Office News $25 gift cards.
◊ 10 a.m. drawing: Lisa McKinney
Promotions Yummies for our tummies (Erie) and Laura Schriner (Pgh),
ERIN KOSCIENSKI was half-day vacation.
promoted to Director of Operations, Even if you’re not a foodie, you ◊ 11 a.m. drawing: Wendy Bukowski
Commercial Lines couldn’t help but be impressed and (Erie) and Suzanne Bowers (Hburg),
(Erie). Erin has not enticed by the daily food fest during $25 gift cards.
only continued to the first two weeks in August at the ◊ Noon drawing: Amy Victor (Pgh)
assume a larger Pittsburgh office. Thanks to HUB HDH, and Jodi Andruzis (Cbus), half-day
role in Commercial vendors and carriers for sponsoring the vacation.
Lines leadership and tasty return to office: ◊ 1 p.m. drawing: Christine Shirk
training, but she is quickly becoming • 8/2 – Pizza lunch sponsored by Reliance. (Hburg) and Dayna Mitchell (Erie), $25
• 8/3 – Breakfast by Hartford; lunch by The
an integral resource for the corpo- Standard. gift cards.
rate Epic team. She assumed the • 8/4 – Breakfast by Chubb; lunch by Thank you, HUB HDH, for this special
responsibility of running the monthly Allstate Identity. day for employees!
Epic Collaboration Group meetings • 8/5 – Breakfast by The Difference Card;
for HUB as well as acting as a critical lunch by HealthJoy; and Trashy Thirsty Thurs-
day happy hour by HUB HDH.
resource in defining and modifying • 8/9 – Breakfast by Meritain/Aetna; lunch Reminder
Epic workflows. “Erin is a vital part of by Delta Dental. Open enrollment is Nov. 1-12. It’s
our CL strategic growth and develop- • 8/10 – Breakfast by Travelers with an passive this year, which means if you
ment, and we are so grateful to have espresso/coffee bar; lunch by MetLife. do nothing, your current benefits will
her as part of our team,” said April • 8/11 – Breakfast by VBA; lunch by Encova. roll over, except FSAs. Review HUB’s
• 8/12 – Breakfast by UPMC; lunch by
Arnold, SVP of Operations (Pgh). Milliman. benefit plans at