Page 18 - 3Q HUB newsletter
P. 18


         Employees          EMPLOYEE CONTEST
         were asked
         to share a photo
         from their first year
         of school — and their
         favorite lunchbox if they
         carried one. This quarter’s
         winner was chosen from a
         random drawing of participants’ names.

            emember walking to school in 5 feet of snow in minus-30-degree weather? OK,
        Rmaybe that was our grandparents’ tales. But I do catch myself telling my children
        similar hyperboles, even dusting off some classics that begin with, “Back in my

        day ...”
           My kids still can’t believe I grew up without a cell phone
        and without the assistance of Alexa, Siri or Google. (I had to

        stress that I actually DID ... we just called them encyclope-
        dias, and they had to be opened and read to find the infor-
        mation instead of yelling across the room at an electronic

           They still cringe at the thought that at one time there were
        only three television networks and a local PBS station —

        and that cable was not available where my family lived until
        the early 1980s. (Oh, the humanity!) I believe they think my dad operated a Bronto
        Crane at Slate Rock & Gravel Co. alongside Fred Flintstone. And he had to use the

        same foot-powered vehicle as Fred to get home from work.
           Despite how much things change, certain life events remain the same. Those first
        day of school jitters, fear of missing the school bus, picking out your new lunch

        box, questionable fashion choices, etc. Recall your own memories as you enjoy your
        co-workers sharing some of theirs — and find out who the lucky 3Q winner is from
        the random drawing of names.                             Enjoy!     Lisa Micco

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