Page 23 - 3Q HUB newsletter
P. 23

Your emails must provide more than a sales pitch
           These days, you need more than a       • Updates on industry news
        convincing sales pitch to keep your readers’      • Additional information about
        attention. Subscribers may not be ready to        current or upcoming programs
        buy insurance right away, but your emails      • Invitations to special events
        will keep your company top of mind when      • Promote blog content, podcasts,             Get
        they do.                                    and webinars
           Instead of directly selling to customers,      It’s equally as essential to connect with
        offer engaging and informative content that   customers who have recently purchased        ocial
        builds trust and provides additional value.  insurance from you. Send new clients a
           Here are a few content ideas to consider:  thank-you email that includes your contact    Quarterly Tips, Topics
                                                                                                    & Takeaways to Grow
               • Customer testimonials     information and any instructions they should    S Your Social Media Presence
               • Profiles of insurance agents   know.  — Asset Digital Communication

        Tips                        tone is everything.

                   From Page 22        And no matter
                                    what they say, peo-
                                    ple do judge emails
        You can maintain            by their subject lines.
        professionalism                In fact, 47% of
        and have a sense of         marketers say they
        whimsy, too. If that’s      test different email
        not you, that’s fine.       subject lines to op-
        Don’t force it. Just        timize their emails’
        be you.                     performance. That’s
           ◊ Be Conversa-           why it’s so important
        tional: Doors open          to craft subject lines
        quicker when people  that are compelling
        find you approach-          enough to get peo-         they’re one of the          producer’s ticket
        able and relatable.         ple to click through.      very first impressions  for standing out in a
        No one likes being             While they may          you have on your            crowded inbox.
        talked at, but rath-        seem like a small part  email recipients.                 (Information curat-
        er engaged with so          of your message,              And, they’re a           ed from HubSpot.)

                   “                                                                                  “

           Social media is not                                                                The first rule of so-
        just an activity; it is an                                                         cial media is that ev-
        investment of valuable           “                                                 erything changes all
        time and resources.         Social media is                                        the time. What won’t
        Surround yourself with      about sociology                                        change is the communi-
        people who not just         and psychology                                         ty’s desire to network.
        support you and stay        more than                                                     — Kami Huyse
        with you, but inform        technology.                                                   @kamichat
                                      — Brian Solis @briansolis
        your thinking about                                                                           “
        ways to WOW your                                    “                                 When it comes to social
        online presence.               Engage, Enlighten, Encourage and especially         media, your vibe attracts
                                    … just be yourself! Social media is a community        your tribe.
               — Sean Gardner       effort, everyone is an asset.                                 —  Felicia Lin
                  @2morrowknight           — Susan Cooper @buzzedition                            @felishalin
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