Page 304 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 304

So, he began to apply The Method to every painful emotion that he had. Sometimes it would take hours to fully experience the pain and then release it, but gradually, his life began working again.
This time at a much higher level and with much greater acceptance by all who connect with him.
I was one of the ones who learned about Bob’s breakthrough fairly early on. He had been working, at my suggestion, with my son’s business for several months with great success.
My wife Karen and I were living in a townhouse in the Atlanta area. After working with Bob using The Method for several months, we were able to eliminate many of my personal emotional blocks.
This “freeing up the flow” enabled me to experience a whole new life. I believe that the result is that we now live on a beautiful key in Florida.
The only recognizable thing that changed for me is that I got rid of a number of emotional limitations and connected much more easily and readily with Orion (my Leader Within).
I worked with Bob using The Method for more than a year.

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