Page 305 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 305

I find The Method to be a great way to acknowledge negative aspects of my life and eliminate the emotional blocks that have prevented me from accessing my Leader Within and living a joyful life.
Now, here’s the caveat...
Bob’s process is very powerful, but it requires a “leap of faith” that is necessary to harvest the power.
You must learn to accept without conditions, that your external world can never bring us you form of lasting peace, joy or happiness. It is all an inside job.
It took months, or nearly 78 years of life experience, for me to get clear on this very critical understanding.
Bob’s core philosophy is that we each create our external life’s experience as an expression of our emotional life. As a result, everything that we are experiencing, we create. Bob describes his thinking:
We create our Experience
Obviously, that’s good news and bad news.
The good news is that if I have that power, I can apply it to live a more joyful life.

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