Page 15 - October November 2014
P. 15

October/November 2014
Telecom Reseller 15
Survey: Mobile Security Not a Priority among IT 
“IT professionals understand the risks 
Departments Despite Threats to the Workplace
associated with mobile security and are taking 
some steps to protect their workplaces,” said 
Kathryn Pribish, Voice of IT program manager at 
L“However, we’re seeing a gap in how 
ess than Half of IT Professionals Investing he devices keep coming devices in the workplace, 47 percent expect an companies are dealing with mobile security, 
in Mobile Device Management Sotware Nearly 80 percent of surveyed IT professionals increase in company-owned devices, and 27
where IT departments are either fully embracing 
to Secure Devices support one to two mobile devices per employee. percent expect an increase in employee-owned
BYOD and investing in security sotware and 
Spiceworks, the professional network for IT, When asked to specify the types of devices devices that are company subsidized.
devices or they’re choosing to take a lightweight 
today announced the results of a new report
employees are bringing into the workplace,
Gap exists in mobile security adoption
approach to adoption by limiting user access
that explores how IT departments are preparing 90 percent of IT professionals said employees Despite growing security risks, budget to company data. Soon, companies will have to 
for and addressing security threats associated are bringing smartphones and 77 percent said constraints and a perceived lack of internal ditch this either-or approach to adoption in order 
with mobile devices in the workplace. he study “Weathering the Mobile Storm” found that 98 employees are bringing tablets. Additionally, 21 percent of IT professionals said employees are concern have led to a slow adoption of formal mobile security policies and technology to create a workplace where mobile devices and company data can peacefully coexist.”
percent of IT professionals are concerned with using wearable technologies at work, an increase solutions. Many IT professionals are instead 
the potential security impacts mobile devices can of almost eight percent since May 2014.
choosing to limit user access to corporate data Methodology
have on the workplace.
Currently, an average of 55 percent of devices in an efort to protect company information. he survey was conducted in September of 2014 
However, less than half of respondents
in the workplace are company-owned, 35 Of those who are using or plan to use mobile and included approximately 300 respondents 
are either using or plan to use mobile device percent are employee-owned, and 10 percent are security sotware in the next year, 49 percent from the United States. Respondents represented 
management or antivirus/malware sotware
employee-owned but company subsidized. Many are turning to mobile device management a variety of company sizes and industries 
to secure and protect devices within the next IT professionals expect that to shit over the next sotware and 41 percent are adopting malware including manufacturing, healthcare, education, 
year. he independent study was sponsored by three years. Fity-four percent of respondents and antivirus sotware speciically designed for government, inance and IT service providers.
said they expect an increase of employee-owned
mobile oferings.
More at

Jenne Announces 

New Program with 


Financial Services

enne, Inc., a leading value-added 
distributor of IP telephony, audio and video 
conferencing, uniied communications,
data networking and security and surveillance 
products, announced a new inancing tool 
available to its customers through its leasing 
partner, GreatAmerica Financial Services.
With this powerful tool, resellers can take 
control of their inancing options, with instant 
access to inancing information within the Jenne 
online quote tool to contact GreatAmerica staf 
and calculate lease payments. Resellers can 
choose the inancing option that is right for 
them, and right for their customers.
In just four easy steps, resellers can start the HELPING YOU GET THERE. GREATAMERICA.
process of inancing through GreatAmerica:

Step 1: Create a quote and request inance options by clicking the link on the Jenne log-in 
web site.

Step 2: Fill out the customer information.

Step 3: Select the term, purchase options 
and payments down options. Click on the 
‘Submit Credit’ button to submit the quote to 
GreatAmerica as a credit application.
GreatAmerica is committed to helping you achieve greater 
Step 4: Create a proposal letter with the lease success by providing inancing solutions and complementary 
option by selecting the term, purchase options 
and payment down, and clicking the ‘Generate business services.
Proposal’ button.

“his new tool gives our resellers more power • Innovative commercial equipment inancing solutions from the largest 
to close deals by ofering lease inancing options private independent small-ticket equipment inance company in the U.S.
to preserve credit lines, while still bringing 
needed technology to their customers,” said Tony Grilli, Chief Financial Oicer, Jenne, Inc. “It’s • Expertise to help you implement, inance, bill, and monitor your 
quick and easy to use, and it brings a new level of managed services: voice, print, and IT
control to our resellers.”
Commenting on the new tool for • Fast and lexible inancing from a dedicated team of communications 
GreatAmerica Financial Services, Wil Meggers, 
vice president and general manager said: “he and IT professionals
ability to generate real time payment quotes and 
submit credit information through Jenne’s online 
quoting tool will provide a competitive advantage 
to Jenne resellers by increasing the eiciency
in their workplace,” said Meggers. “Jenne is
truly dedicated to bringing value to its reseller 
community, and we are excited to be a part of 
To learn more about the power of inancing 
with GreatAmerica and Jenne, Inc., contact | 888.307.2641
Jenne Sales at 800-422-6191.

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