Page 2 - March Bulletin 0219 for web.pages
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Join us for Breakfast, 

Food, & Friendship
Sunday, February 24, 10:00 a.m. at CKA
Cost is $10 (including donation to Mazon).
Kindly RSVP to Julian L.
Help Needed: We need two volunteers to set up and make breakfast.
One Book, One Read
Have you started our book for One
Book, One Read: Empire of the
Senses, by Alexis Landau? Our CKA
library has a few copies. There are many issues to examine in this book, which takes place in a time period we rarely read about. We will discuss the book around a potluck supper on Sunday, April 14. This event is open to men and women.
Are you comfortable leading a dialog? If you are in- terested in guiding our book discussion, or have questions about what this might entail, please contact us at Thank you!
Help CKA move forward
Our congregation relies on volunteers, and the CKA Leadership Committee is looking for congregants in- terested in serving on our many committees and also the Board of Trustees. Committee and board work
includes education, ritual, membership care, finance, fundraising, and social ac- tion, as well as many ad hoc groups working on special projects. Leadership and
volunteer work are great ways to meet other mem- bers and make new friends. Professional and work experiences are often needed to further committee and board work, and this is an opportunity to use your skills to help our Jewish community thrive.
If you would like more information about becoming involved in a committee, we are happy to help connect you with the committee(s) that align with your interests.
In addition, two board trustee positions will need to be filled at the annual meeting this spring. The Lead- ership Committee is charged with presenting candi- dates for these positions to the board, and we will be working on this over the next few months. Trustee positions last three years, and trustees are responsible for attending monthly board meetings, serving as li- aisons between committees and the board, welcom- ing members at religious functions, serving as li- aisons to Portland area synagogues and other com- munity organizations, serving on ad-hoc committees, co-signing checks if designated by the president, and performing other responsibilities as assigned by the board. On average, trustee positions require between two and four hours of time each month, in addition to attending scheduled board meetings.
If you are interested or have questions, please contact Rebecca K no later than February 28 about potential board service – or at any time to get connected with a committee!
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Sh’vat / Adar I 5779  February 2019

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