Page 4 - March Bulletin 0219 for web.pages
P. 4
KAWRJ Connections
Support Our Sisters
We are collecting pads, tampons, menstrual cups, and monetary donations to purchase feminine hygiene supplies. Please place
your contributions into the
red bin in the CKA lobby, or make checks out to Council for the Homeless (memo “hygiene”) and put them in the KAWRJ mailbox in the office.
Why a Feminine Hygiene Product Drive?
Consider this: You are a woman going through your daily routine, and your period starts unexpectedly. You are unprepared. You search through your purse or backpack in hopes of finding a stray tampon or pad. If you don't find one, you'll have to hope the archaic machine in the bathroom doesn't eat the quarters.
Not having a tampon or
pad might be rare for you
or the women you know.
But, for many women
throughout Vancouver, it
is a regular occurrence.
Women and girls who are
food insecure may have to choose between food and feminine hygiene products. If they choose food, they may have to miss up to five days of work or school. We want to eliminate that decision for them.
From a very young age, women are taught that periods should be secret. Because of this perception, menstruation is not discussed openly. It is, perhaps, due to lack of conversation that feminine hygiene products are not frequently donated to homeless shelters.
KAWRJ is raising awareness of issues specific to homeless women through our “Advocate for the Homeless” event on February 10 (see p.1). We are also asking you to donate feminine hygiene prod- ucts, or money to buy these prod-
ucts. All donations will be used by Council for the Homeless to pro- vide sanitary products to women and teen girls in our community.
Help us welcome new members
Friday, February 22, 7:30 p.m.
KAWRJ is leading Shabbat
worship, accompanied by
Flip Frisch. Many mem-
bers are involved in the
service. In addition, our
new CKA and KAWRJ
members will be honored
at the Oneg Shabbat, which will be hosted by KAWRJ.
This promises to be a meaningful service and a nice opportunity to meet newcomers and to connect with friends we don’t see as often as we would like. All people, all ages, are encouraged to attend.
There is still time to
participate in Super Socials
Sociable Signups are fun get-togethers that KAWRJ members are hosting as mixers. They are open to anyone interested in attending, in exchange for a donation to KAWRJ’s support of URJ camps and Israel experience scholarships for CKA youth. (Your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.)
Contact for more information.
FEAST Saturday, May 18
Intimate, multi-course dinner with wine pairings, hosted by Debbie R & Sue M; $125 per person
Brisket & Brews Saturday, June 22
A BIG party in the CKA social hall with three styles of brisket, non-meat options, sides, brews, music, and more; $50 per person
Upcoming Events: Save the Dates! Tuesday, March 12, 6:30 p.m.
Ladies’ Night Out (location details to follow soon)
March 2, 6:30 p.m.
CKA’s 30th anniversary celebration: Pearls & Twirls (see p.1)
April 26–28
PNW Sisterhood Retreat
at Camp Kalsman in Arlington, WA
Feminine hygiene products are essential. However, they are rarely donated to homeless shelters.
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Sh’vat / Adar I 5779
February 2019