Page 3 - March Bulletin 0219 for web.pages
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Pizza and Purim Wednesday, March 20
Enjoy fresh baked Hamentaschen for Purim, baked by KAWRJ
Purim is 3/20; order by Wed. 3/9
Order by 2/28 and save 50¢ per dozen
Order online at
or use this form Date _______________
Gluten Free (# Dozen)
Regular (# Dozen)
By 2/28 By 3/9
A. Apricot
$6.50 $7.00
B. Berry
$6.50 $7.00
C. Prune
$6.50 $7.00
D. Poppy seed
$6.50 $7.00
E. Chocolate
$6.50 $7.00
F. Nutella
$6.50 $7.00
Tasty Purim Package: Ship 2 doz + bling
oCash oCheck oCCoPayatpickup
Hamentaschen will be sold at Purim events on an as-available basis for $7.50 per dozen.
Name ___________________________ Phone ___________________________ Email _______________________________________________________________
When would you like to pick up your order? oWednesday, March 20 (Purim Shpiel)
o Thursday, March 21 (Hebrew school)
o Friday, March 22 (before Shabbat service) oSunday, March 24
o Other _________________________________________________________________ Tasty Purim Package $28
Includes 2 dozen + card with your name, shipped anywhere in the continental U.S.
Flavors: oA oB oC oD oE oF
Ship to name ______________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________
oAdditional names on separate sheet
Make checks payable to ‘KAWRJ.’ Drop in KAWRJ mailbox in the office, or CKA dropbox, or mail to KAWRJ, 7800 NE 119th Street, Vancouver, WA 98662. OR email copy of this form with your credit card information.
oVisaoMC Card # ______________________________________________ oExpiration _________________________ CV2 ________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ City/State Zip code_____________________ Phone (required for cc)____________________________________________
Questions? or Sue Meyer 360-281-9372
5:30 p.m. Pizza & salad dinner
6:30 p.m. Purim Shpiel & Megillah reading
Join us as we celebrate Purim with pizza! Come early to get some pizza, salad, and beverages, and then enjoy the special Erev Purim performance and Megillah reading at CKA. Pizza dinner will be available for a nominal fee. Come join the fun with your Kol Ami Family! Costumes are encouraged!
Let us know if you’ll be eating with us so we can order enough pizza. Respond to this Evite: https:// We look forward to a fun evening celebrating together!
Sponsored by KAWRJ
Save the Date
WRJ Pacific Northwest Area Day
Sunday July 21 (location TBD)
This is a great opportunity for local sisterhoods to
have a fun day of study, worship, camaraderie, and communication.
If you would like to be a part of our multi-sisterhood planning team please contact our Area District VP (and KAWRJ member) Deawn H.
CKA Judaica Shop
CKA’s Judaica shop has items for life cycle events, Passover, Purim, and more. Items on display, not-yet-on-display, and special orders are gladly accommodated. Whatever your needs, contact Sue M.
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Sh’vat / Adar I 5779
February 2019