Page 9 - Telecom Reseller February-March 2019
P. 9
SFebprtueamryb/eMr/Oarctho2b0e1r 92018
TeTlelceocmomRReseeslelellrer 139 Telecom Reseller 13
Announces the PArnondouscnocrees the
September/October 2018
Nextiva Joins Telarus’ TrustedSky Alliance
they already provide. proactive insights for all departments allowing
l Growing user adoption to realize full ROI of their IT investment.
PAroBdoOscUorTe pTaRrtUneSrsTaEreDdSiffKerYentiated because BUSINESS UNITS BEYOND IT
theciarncusastiosmfyearsnteonbdeunseefirtswinhcelnuditincogmbuets ntot workforce productivity, partners are guiding
based communications provider, has SProdoscore
e, A
. ading cloud-
excpleursfiovremtoa:nce problems. TrustedSky’s goal their customers to benefits including but not
the behaviors of top performers.
, an
thTeryusatredoSnkythies farojonitn-tlianlelsiaonfcienonfolveatdioing Prodoscore partners are differentiated because
directly requested by their customer base. l Identifying new market opportunities
Partner Program
wsiethrvainceApIrosovliudteirosninthtahteadCdloreusdseasnmduUltnipifiled they are on the front-lines of innovation
liFsrteoeibnrgincgaptirtanlsbpyairdeennctyiftyointghiesxpcerosscievses exclusive to:
Interested partners should visit https://www. directly requested by their customer base.
annThouenTcreudsthedeSPkryodteosstcinorgesPearvrtincerisParowgerabm- , productivity optimization company, has
Partner Program
opaenradticornealtexapsenlfd-isteurveisc.e workflow that l Freeing capital by identifying excessive
announced that it had joined Telarus’
cuCsotommeur nieceadtiso. nMsamchairnketL.eTarunsintegddSeklyivers with an AI solution that addresses multiple
TrustedSky Alliance to continue providing
was formed to solve the broken Cloud
accelerates the time to solution between
prodo n
partners to deepen relationships within a
they already provide. proactive insights for all departments allowing
l Growing user adoption to realize full ROI lIncrMeasinEgDsaleIsAperfPorAmaCnceKbyreplicating
PRODOSCOREGIVESPARTNERSACCESSTO customer’sentireorganization.Byincreasing
workforce productivity, partners are guiding customer’s entire organization. By increasing
l Increasing sales performance by replicating l Identifying new market opportunities
operational expenditures. ItRhVeIbNeEst,pCoAss-ibPlreoedxopsecroireenTMc,ethtoewitsorckhfaonrcnel supportmodel.HostedCloudapplications anend-user,theend-user’sITstaffandthe
praordtnucetrisvaitnydocputismtoimzaetirosn. company, has IRVINE, CA - ProdoscoreTM, the workforce
guarantee that no single support group
Cloud provider. n
customer needs. Machine Learning delivers
partners to deepen relationships within a
of their IT investment.
the behaviors of top performers.
er-signup n
Interested partners should visit https://www.
We can confidentl al program in the We can confidently say that we have the best hardware rental program in the
industry. Our Device as a Service (DaaS) rental program gives your customers the industry. Our Device as a Service (DaaS) rental program gives your customers the
widest variety of VoIP Products for a low monthly payment! widest variety of VoIP Products for a low monthly payment!
Why Join the VoIP Supply Rental Program? Why Join the VoIP Supply Rental Program?
Fast & Easy to Apply — One-page application
Approved Within Days
Wide Variety of VoIP Products (phones, conference phones, PBXs, and more)
If you are interested in joining the VoIP Supply DaaS Rental Program pIfleyaosueaerme ainilteurseastevdoipnrjeonintainl@gvtohiepsVuopIPplSy.ucpopmlyaDnadarSeqRueenstat lthPerofgoramm! please email us at and request the form!
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everything you need for VoIP
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gbivasinedgcphlatnfonremlptahrtanteprasr,tmnearnsacgaendsuesrevtiocetest announced the Prodoscore Partner Program,
parnodvidieargsn, aonsedncoetnwsuolrtkanctosntdhietiaobnilsityotaossist giving channel partners, managed service
btrhienigr ihnonsotevdatUivneiafinedaCcotimonmabulneiAcaItitonolasst-oa- providers, and consultants the ability to
aSberoviacder(aUnCgeaaoSf)cucustsotmomeresr.sPianrtindernstiwfyililng bring innovative and actionable AI tools to
rneectewivoerckucsatopmabiizlaitbyleanGdo-qTuoa-lMitya.rMkeetmanbders a broad range of customers. Partners will
soafletshenaalblilaenmcen–tatonodlst,hferierepdaermtnoerascc–ohuanvtes, receive customizable Go-To-Market and
laecacdeshsatrointhgiosppoorrttfuonliiotioesf,waenbd-lbuacsreadtivtoeols sales enablement tools, free demo accounts,
ctomstmreiassmiolinnse.ThthepProvdiossiocnorinegPaprtonceersPsrogram lead sharing opportunities, and lucrative
efmorpsoewamerslepssardtenpelrosytmo aesnstisotfncelwouadn-dbaesxeidsting commissions. The Prodoscore Partner Program
cuosmtomuenrsictaotimonprsovluetcionrps otorahtelperthfoerimr ance empowers partners to assist new and existing
aenmdpclroeyaetesaamndorceupsrtomduecrtsivceonwnoercktf.orce while customers to improve corporate performance
ope“nWineg’rea erxecvietneudetostrbeaammatemthbeelreaodfing edge and create a more productive workforce while
of opening a revenue stream at the leading edge of
ttheegTrrouwsitnegdSAkIy/MALllisaonftcwe,awrehsicphacwe.ill em“PprowdeorscNoerxetsitvanpdasrotnuet rbsetcoauesnehpaanrcteners
the growing AI/ML software space.
ctahne lceuvsetroamgeetrhexvpaelruienpcreo,”posasitdioCnatrol win “Prodoscore stands out because partners
nKeawtzc,uvsitcoemperresiadnedntgroofwchraenvenneul esaflreosmfotrheir can leverage the value proposition to win
eNxiesxtitnivgab.“aThse,euTltrimusatteedlySkinycArelalisaincgethweiilrltotal new customers and grow revenue from their
leifneatibmleovuarlupea,”rstnaiedrsMaincdhaceulsSttoemrl,eCrsEtOo of Carve existing base, ultimately increasing their total
DchigeictaklnaentdwCorlokupderOfoprtmik.a“nIcleikperitohratoa asindgle lifetime value,” said Michael Sterl, CEO of Carve
saoftluetrioimn pclaenmheenlptinpgarNtneexrtsiveax’spanddvatnhceeirdservices Digital and Cloud Optik. “I like that a single
tcootmhemCu-nsiuciateti,osnasleso, mlutairoknest,inthg,uasnmdistuigpaptionrgt solution can help partners expand their services
daenpdardtimagenots.”ing any network issues that
to the C-suite, sales, marketing, and support
y say that we have the best hardware rent
could affect the quality of service. Our
PinRvOeDstOmSeCntOiRnETCruRsEteAdTSEkSyChOigMhlPigLhEtMs ENTARY RNEeVxEtiNvaU’sEcSoTmRmEAitMmSenFtOtoR APAmRaTzNinEgRService.”
The“Thproedsuecrvt’sicaercishritelcatuivrelymsaikmeps liet abnutinherent REVENUE STREAMS FOR PARTNERS
cpoomwpelrefmule,”nstatiodaKpaarritenHeru’szezxeiys,tcinhgantencehlnology The product’s architecture makes it an inherent
pmoratnfoaglieorbfyoralTloruwsitnegdSthkeym. “Wtoipthrotvhiedeclaicdkditional complement to a partner’s existing technology
soefrvaiclienskw,uitsheorustccaanntneimbapliozrianrgiltyhteuirnstathpeleir portfolio by allowing them to provide additional
pmroadcuhcintelininetso.ParVodoIoPsctoerset’isntgecdhenvoicloegtyhactreates services without cannibalizing their staple
AcacntiosnenabdleteAstncaalylltsictsoTMbuesaincognaspirnosptarlileetdariyn product lines. Prodoscore’s technology creates
adlgaotaricthenmtepras.irThedewteitshtGVoIoPglpeaCckloeutsdcPrelattfeodrm’s Actionable AnalyticsTM using a proprietary
MbyacthienenLde-aursneirn’sgPaCndriNdaetaulroanlgLathnegusagmee algorithm paired with Google Cloud Platform’s
Ppraotchesasinag‘rAeaPl’IsV, ofrIoPmpadcaktaetg, etnraevreartesdinbgythcleoud Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing APIs, from data generated by cloud
Fast & Easy to Apply — One-page application dsihsocouvldercnaellwthineisrigIhTtsdferpoamrtmdaetnata,ltrheeaidryIwSPi,thin ApprovedWithinDays
PBaarstenderosncatnhicsosnimtinpule ‘dpeitlcivheraindg creatuchrn’ s on applications like CRM and UCaaS platforms.
etxeisstt,inTgrussotleudtSioknyslbetescathueseucsuerstkonmoewrsiwf tihlley Partners can continue delivering returns on
existing solutions because customers will
tahnedir/ocur rtrheenitr theochstneodloVgoyIPstapcrko.vider for discover new insights from data already within
Wide Variety of VoIP Products (phones, conference phones, PBXs, and more)
assistance. This helps the end-user reach
their current technology stack.
a quicker resolution, shortens the support
cycle, aTndhkeepfls tehexhiobsteldeVopIPrporogvirdearsm
The flexible program By joinwingethlecTorumstedeSksy Apllaianrcte,ners
service queue to a minimum.”
N e x t i v a d e wm o e n s l t r c a t o e s mi t s e c o s m m p i t a m r e n t t n t o e r s of all backgrounds
tools to improvfe saerlvlicbe daepclokymgernot aundnds ranging from Salesforce customer experience.
both partner and customer success with
ranging from Salesforce Consultants to Telco
Consultants to Telco
Agents dedicated to simplifying businessAgents
Nextiva is an innovative tech company
communications, team collaboration, and
cuThstoemflexriebnlegapgreomgreanmt.wAeslctohme lesapdainrtgners oaflla-lilnb-aocnkegcroumnmdsurnaincagtiinognfsropmlatSfoarlemsf,orce
The flexible program welcomes partners
CNoenxstuOltSanptoswtoerTseNlceoxAtivgae’ns tso. lPurtoiodnos,core
of all backgrounds ranging from Salesforce
iisnaclgurdeaintgfitbfuosrinchesasnpnhelopnaerstnerevriscien, CthReM, Consultants to Telco Agents. Prodoscore
cohmatm, sunrivceaytiso, nasnsdpanceallyotoicksi.nNg etoxtcivhange is a great fit for channel partners in the
wcritehatehseomutasrtkaentdbiencgaucusestiotmpreorveidxpeseraidednicteiosnal communications space looking to change
btehnroefiutgshfoitrstchoemir mcuistmtomenetrtsotoinsnwoivtcahtiofrnom on- with the market because it provides additional
parnedmAisme taoziUnCg aSaeSr.vCicoen®,ssueltravnintsgamndorSeIs already benefits for their customers to switch from on-
itnhtahne1S5a0le,0sf0o0rcbeuasinndesGsoesognlaetieocnowsyisdtemansdwill premise to UCaaS. Consultants and SIs already
beemapbloeytionogffoevrear n1,o0n0-0cotemampetminegmpbreordsu. ct that in the Salesforce and Google ecosystems will
eLnehaarncmesotrheeavtawluwe wo.fnsexrtviivcae.scoanmd. solutions be able to offer a non-competing product that
enhances the value of services and solutions
introducing from Softel
pplication Develop
Let Softel take your enterprise to Skype
A kiosk reception
A kiosk reception
Let Softel take your enterprise to Skype
Microsoft Skype for Business integration with Active Directory, Unified Communication, OMffiicero3s6o5ft,SUkCyMpeAfoArpBpuliscianteiossniDntevgerlaotpiomnewnit,hLAegctaivcey VDoiriecectSoyrys,teUmnisfi,eadndCoCmonmtaucnticCaetinotne,r Office 365, UCMA A ment, Legacy Voice Systems, and Contact Center
solution exclusively
solution exclusively
from Softel