Page 10 - Telecom Reseller October-November 2019
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e a
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of results. Consider that mature processes yield
by Timothy C. Colwell, SVP
Efficiency First® Adoption –
predictable results. Highly automated processes
reduce human-induced error, and thorough
process controls mitigate unnecessary business risk.
So, understanding how results are delivered enables
customers to evaluate factors that drive optimal
 10 Telecom Reseller September/October 2018
October/November 2019
results. Some managed services vendors go so far
proactive insights for all departments allowing l Growing user adoption to realize full ROI Magna5 Selects Squire Technologies
services and telecommunications distributor
tly influences the quality of outcomes. Understanding the ‘how’
Partner Program
Technology Source
makweitheamn oAsIt sinoflourtmionedthdaetciasdiodnrewsshesnmevualtluipalteing in Santa, Ana, California, and Nashville,
l Freeing capital by identifying excessive operational expenditures.
Interested partners should visit https://www. n
sheds light on process maturity, automation and
vendcuosrstotmo seartinsefyedyso.uMr bauchsiinessLreeaqrunirnegmdeenltisv.enrs Tennessee, Technology Source serves
...continued from page 9
multiple verticals including retail, healthcare,
and manufacturing, both in enterprise
Magna5 has announced it has selected Squire Technologies to integrate innovative signaling and interconnection technologies into Magna5’s managed cloud-based network to ensure robust delivery of services to customers.
wide range of interconnection points that simplify complex connectivity and routing between multiple networks, such as SS7, NGN, VoIP and next-generation IMS/LTE/4G signaling networks. Built-in redundancy and fraud detection ensure reliable connectivity and fraud prevention.
IRVINE, CA - ProdoscoreTM, the workforce productivity optimization company, has
environments and for small and mid-sized
in coax cable, metro Ethernet, hosted VoIP,
Buraenanuo.uFnEcMedAtahde mPriondisotsecrosrethPearItnntergPrarotgerdam, PRI, analog lines, dynamic T1’s, SIP, 3G/4G
: Carriers may charge administrative
giving channel partners, managed service
Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS),
fees for several things including
Dorchester, United Kingdom - Magna5
is a nationwide provider of managed IT,
voice and connectivity solutions for mid-
sized organizations that have multiple
branch locations. Over the past year,
Magna5 has engaged in a multi-phase digital
modernization initiative to consolidate
multiple infrastructure environments obtained
from previous acquisitions into a unified,
virtualized network that will provide faster
delivery of its managed services and voice
solutions. The initiative involves consolidating
data centers, shifting circuits, phasing
out legacy systems and creating a vibrant,
streamlined digital network. Once completed,
the refurbished network will enable Magna5
to deliver its managed services and voice
solutions more efficiently to its customers with
faster and more reliable traffic routing, multi-
carrier failover capabilities and expanded
cloud hosting and data backup/recovery
wireless internet, and numerous cloud services.
“Ooma Office makes it easy for our agents
providers, and consultants the ability to
which is a public safety system connected
duplicate records, detail records, and
In business for almost 30 years. TCG has more
to remotely configure and manage their
bring innovative and actionable AI tools to
with participating wireless carriers.
different media types. Charges vary by
“With Magna5’s growing customer base,
we are focused on network and operational efficiencies to ensure we can meet the demands of rapid product and service enablement. Squire Technologies’ SVI-STPs interconnected within our network enables us to eliminate overlapping technologies inherited through multiple acquisitions,” said Jason Cummins, SVP of Magna5 Voice Networks. “Once consolidation is complete, our engineers will have additional cycles to focus on delivering road-mapped projects.”
“The SVI-STP will allow Magna5 to achieve their goals of network consolidation and unification by providing a robust, flexible signaling core,” said Mike Peck, General
Sales Manager at Squire Technologies Ltd.
“The SVI-STP is part of our suite of signaling
products which allows us to deploy an
than 4,000 agents and 18 channel managers
customer’s phone systems, which saves time
a broad range of customers. Partners will
Organizations such as county, city, state
carrier and situation.
nationwide, offering more than 150 carrier
and boosts the agents’ bottom line,” said
receive customizable Go-To-Market and
and federal public safety agencies can
A best practice is to understand each
options for its agents to sell.
Dominic Antonini, president of Technology
sales enablement tools, free demo accounts,
register to be an alerting authority in
carriers’ rate card for administrative
“Our aim is to empower TCG agents with
Source. “Customers, too, appreciate having
lead sharing opportunities, and lucrative
IPAWS, and this allows them to broadcast
charges prior to entering into a business
a full spectrum of services to meet any and
the business phone features they need without
commissions. The Prodoscore Partner Program
WEA messages through participating
agreement and negotiate custom
all telecommunications requirements of their
contracts or other long-term commitments.”
empowers partners to assist new and existing
wireless carriers to user devices
terms for administrative charges. If the
customers,” said Dan Pirigyi, partner at TCG.
All Ooma channel partners are authorized
customers to improve corporate performance
supporting WEA.
business relationship is established
“Ooma Office fits perfectly when agents need
to offer Ooma Office as well as the Ooma
Qand create a more productive workforce while
without negotiated terms, engage your
an advanced business phone service that is
Enterprise UCaaS solution (https://www.ooma.
opening a revenue stream at the leading edge of
: My carrier charges to provide
account management team and seek a
simple to install and operate, as well as easily
com/enterprise-communications/). For more
the growing AI/ML software space.
call detail records. Is this standard
waiver or reduced ‘good customer’ rate
information on Ooma partner programs, go
on an as-needed basis.
“Prodoscore stands out because partners
Technology Source (https://www.
Learn more at n
We can confidently say that we have the best hardware rental program in the
As part of the modernization initiative, future-proof roadmap to next-generation
can leverage the value proposition to win
The product’s architecture makes it an inherent complement to a partner’s existing technology portfolio by allowing them to provide additional services without cannibalizing their staple product lines. Prodoscore’s technology creates Actionable AnalyticsTM using a proprietary algorithm paired with Google Cloud Platform’s Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing APIs, from data generated by cloud applications like CRM and UCaaS platforms. Partners can continue delivering returns on existing solutions because customers will discover new insights from data already within their current technology stack.
The flexible program welcomes partners of all backgrounds ranging from Salesforce Consultants to Telco Agents
The flexible program welcomes partners
of all backgrounds ranging from Salesforce Consultants to Telco Agents. Prodoscore
is a great fit for channel partners in the communications space looking to change
with the market because it provides additional benefits for their customers to switch from on- premise to UCaaS. Consultants and SIs already in the Salesforce and Google ecosystems will be able to offer a non-competing product that enhances the value of services and solutions is a full service IT
new customers and grow revenue from their existing base, ultimately increasing their total lifetime value,” said Michael Sterl, CEO of Carve Digital and Cloud Optik. “I like that a single solution can help partners expand their services to the C-suite, sales, marketing, and support departments.”
eans st
ss. with
ws d ns
p tions
ong s,
365 d Web
Telecom Reseller 13
results and identify risk factors that hinder results.
 as to say their processes are proprietary, to shield
Wtheynadlreaaftdinygplraowvsidaen.d making sausage, there with a portfolio including cloud, SD-WAN/
customers from inspecting the back-office details.
are established controls designed to protect the
AP r n o n d o o u s n c c o e r s e t h e
Program With Two Industry
partners to deepen relationships within a of their IT investment. intePgrRitOyDoOftShCeOenRdEpGroIVduEcSt.PCAoRnTtNroElsRsShAouClCdEalSsSoTO customer’sentireorganization.Byincreasing lIncreasingsalesperformancebyreplicating
MPLS, voice, internet, security and other communications-related products and
to More Efficiently Deliver Managed
howrLesueltasdariengegnePraterdtsneemrssre:aTsoenlaeblceom on the surface, but the reality is that the ‘how’
beaBpUplSieIdNEbySSbuUsNinIeTsSseBsEcoYnOsNumDiInTgsolutionsfrom workforceproductivity,partnersareguiding thebehaviorsoftopperformers.
alonteh.eUynadrerosntanthdehforownvt-elnindeosrsodf einlinveorvraetsiounlts to services are provided free of charge. Based
Services and Voice Solutions
services from more than 150 global providers.
vendPororsd.oDsocon’rtejupdagrtenaevrsenadreordioffnerpernotmiaitsedbrescualutse Quotes, network design, and bill review
their customers to benefits including but not l Identifying new market opportunities
exclusive to: directly requested by their customer base.
 he d d
optimum solution today while offering a
 Magna5 will integrate Squire Technologies’ Diameter networks via our Diameter Signaling
industry. Our Device as a Service (DaaS) rental program gives your customers the carrier-grade, virtual switched virtual Controller. We are delighted to be working
interface-signal transfer point (SVI-STP) with Jason and his team on this exciting project
widest variety of VoIP Products for a low monthly payment!
solution across its geographically diverse network. This will allow Magna5 to consolidate to a single vendor solution on a fully supported platform. The SVI-STP solution supports a
and being a part of Magna5’s success.” For more information, visit www. and www.squire- n Why Join the VoIP Supply Rental Program?
 SkySwitch Announces New Features to
Fast & Easy to Apply — One-page application
Its Advanced SIP Trunking Program
Approved Within Days
ORLANDO and TAMPA, FL - SkySwitch, phone numbers and call-forwarding, they the leading channel-only white label have great control and flexibility. The
Wide Variety of VoIP Products (phones, conference phones, PBXs, and more)
Unified Communications-as-a-Service online storefront is also automatically
(UCaaS) platform provider, has introduced configured for secure and efficient billing, If you are interestendewinfejoatiunriensgtotihtsereVseollIePr fSocupsepdl,y DaaS RenitnacluPdirnogginrtaegmration with, a top
white-label Advanced SIP Trunking innovator in usage-rating and billing.
please email us at and request the form!
program. The updated service provides Integration with takes the hassle
out of complicated telecom taxes.
“User experience and user adoption are
pivotal to the success of implementing
and selling new technologies, which is why
we’re excited to announce SkySwitch’s
new advanced SIP Trunking program,”
said Eric Hernaez, Founder and President
of SkySwitch. “Being able to completely
customize a consumer-facing online
resellers with all the tools needed to begin selling SIP trunks quickly, creating
Rent Brands Like:
another source of recurring revenue for their business.
SkySwitch Resellers can sell SkySwitch’s Advanced SIP trunks to end- users through an online storefront, that can be customized and branded, through the main SkySwitch Reseller dashboard. Resellers now can customize everything from pricing and verbiage to branding and website design.
This new version of the storefront also makes it easier for resellers to sell SIP Trunks because it is configured not
only for end-users to purchase them,
storefront from within the Reseller
but also to support the SIP trunks they enhanced user experience.”
sell. By allowing end-users to manage More at n
dashboard, which resellers utilize on
a daily basis, makes it easy to go to
market quickly. And, the simplicity for
our resellers’ customers and prospective
From hardware to service, we have
customers to purchase and manage SIP
everything you need for VoIP
trunks entirely on their own results in an
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