Page 11 - Telecom Reseller October-November 2019
P. 11
October/November 2019
5G: Eliminating Last MT ile Constraints
he last mile has long been a TIMOTHY C. connections into global computing networks networking juggernaut. The PSTN, COLWELL supporting multimedia communications; the WANs, and LANs each suffer network was not designed to scale for these
from the challenge of distributing the full SVP Efficiency First® Adoption – use cases.
capabilities of the network core to each AOTMP ( Radio frequency transmission has
Telecom Reseller 11
endpoint in a reliable and cost effective manner.
In the early days of the Bell System, copper lines with battery power comprised the last
ASK THE Telecom Pro November 2019
mile delivering voice transmission. Little did anyone imagine at the time that the PSTN would evolve from manually switched voice
solved some last mile challenges; cellular, microwave, and satellite technologies have reduced the physical constraints of a tethered last mile.
4G technology can seamlessly replace physical network connections in many instances; however, latency, power, and reliability limitations can inhibit adoption for applications with high processing and real-time performance demands.
5G hold promise as the technology that will finally eliminate nearly 150 years of last mile limitations. Sure, 5G is fast, but that’s not the only benefit. Compute latency is dramatically reduced, power efficiency is improved for endpoints – think IoT and connected everything – and reliability of transmission is improved. Coupled with edge computing design, 5G is solving the business problem of making the most remote endpoint as efficient as the network core.
It’s not just the next evolution of wireless connectivity, it’s a revolution against the physical limitations of the last mile.n
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ment terms negotiable with telecom
Yes. When negotiating terms and conditions for carrier and other vendor contracts, consider everything eligible for negotiation; there are no hard and fast rules prohibiting negotiation of payment terms. Not all carriers
will concede to requested payment terms, but equitable terms may be achieved
Does the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) regulate cloud services proAviders?
Cloud services providers fall into “an FCC regulatory free arena”. The FCC has no oversight or regulation of over-the-top video applications, instant messaging applications, online chat applications, social media platforms, streaming music applications, non-PSTN voice and video applications, or internet cloud offerings.