Page 6 - Telecom Reseller October November 2020
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6 Telecom Reseller
to compete with the traditional service
3. System Architecture – There has been
quite a lot of arguments about the ideal system architectures for these platforms. Some companies have taken the path
of shifting a lot of functionality into software and running the applications on what is basically general-purpose server platforms. Others have argued that there is an absolute need to harness custom hardware in order to meet performance requirements. The reality is that existing systems are a blend of both. FPGAs
have, among other approaches, been
used to implement performance-critical algorithms into hardware. Overall, I
do think that the need to adjust the functionality of deployed systems is causing this industry to increasingly shift towards the deployment of more functions in software than in hardware.
What other manual processes that
lay beneath the surface are ripe for implementation using digital technology? Construction of sensor technology continues to improve. Can drones reduce the number of manual processes needed to approve the qualityofaroadorbuildingrepair?Indeed, this technology probably can be deployed to predict the next places where a repair may be needed.
MARK TUBINIS educate visitors as they learn about the lives
and spirits of 100 historically important activists.
AR software running at the edge allows visitors to view and hear animated webtoon 3D characters to life on smartphone screens as they move through the exhibit. Exhibit visitors can even take selfies with the characters and view giant 3D elephants and rabbits playing in the exhibit plaza grass.
The opportunity for new revenue creation for telcos comes from these types of real- time, immersive services that require the combination of 5G and edge computing.
These new services will only happen if
the industry uses edge-processing capacity as a complement to core cloud capacity – not as a replacement. Just as SaaS eclipsed on premise software, applications running
at the edge will shift the cloud-computing paradigm from a centralized model to a more balanced, distributed model that combines the strengths of hyper-scale cloud- based processing with the responsiveness of edge-based processing.
Edge computing solves four major challenges.
lBandwidth: Moving all of the collected data from every device back to a central cloud has a cost. By processing the data as close as possible to the sources, and only passing filtered and curated information to the central data center/cloud, tremendous savings can be gained. This includes not only the cost of the bandwidth itself, but also in the need to continually build out infrastructure capacity to handle it.
l Responsiveness: Some network-based processing requires “real-time” responses in milliseconds. Manufacturing control systems, robotics, autonomous vehicles, access controls, live human interaction, AI applications, and augmented reality/ virtual reality systems require localized processing to deliver an essential level of responsiveness.
l Security: A smart edge network can
October/November 2020
continued from page 5
Technology that can help alleviate the mountain of paperwork in the healthcare industry is in hot demand. Technology could make such a difference in this industry including the diagnosis and treatment of patients, but behind the scenes, there are
less sexy processes which must be brought
up to the 21st century. It is ridiculous how many forms are still required to be completed every time someone has to make a visit to the doctor.
In this new normal (and whatever
comes next), 5G also could disrupt the
ways enterprises communicate with their employees. Inside factory environments, Wi-Fi connectivity can be sporadic. The
next generation of networks can offer higher performance and more reliable connectivity which should improve the effectiveness of workforces. This supports enterprises to better respond to environmental changes more effectively while also delivering richer information to enable employees make better decisions.
What does this look like for organizations? In a hospital setting, members of the administration team know precisely where assets like wheelchairs, surgeons and availableoperatingrooms(thelattercanbe automatically and immediately flagged as free once the prior operation concludes) are located. At a stadium event, 5G can support
continued from page
These new services will only happen if the industry uses edge-processing capacity as a complement to core cloud capacity – not as a replacement.
be a tremendous security perimeter. By processing, filtering, and curating data close to its origin, and passing on only what is needed for further core processing, the possibility of unlawful data interception
is dramatically reduced. In addition, edge processing nodes can be used to recognize and block malicious traffic moving both
to and from end devices. BOT-generated attacks can be blocked very close to their sources, before they can reach the core datacenter/cloud.
l Storage: Storage is relatively cheap, but
if the price of storage falls by 50%, and
we create 100% more data, we still have
a problem. Data is only as useful as the knowledge we can extract from it. Rather than shipping all of that data somewhere “in the cloud” for storage and future processing, we can process the data as close to real-time as possible, and compress it into meaningful knowledge that can be stored more efficiently.
Since processing needs to be as close as possible to where devices connect, and we need to keep things manageable, it makes sense to integrate processing resources into the locations currently hosting Wi-Fi
additional compute resources enabling more real-time allocation of resources to account for lines at food outlets or even reroute
traffic to available parking structures. For enterprises and factories, greater detail can be delivered securely over networks to mobile devices in helping members and operators make more informed decisions.
While 5G’s speeds may not change things dramatically for consumers, the enterprise might see a different outcome as it begins to invest in the technology. 5G presents
a new frontier for numerous industries fundamentally changing how we connect human to human as well as ways our devices interact.
Now it goes without saying (but I will say it anyway) that these digital processes must be implemented safely and securely. There are still too many IoT platforms coming
to the market which use unencrypted and unauthenticated communication channels. The latest scary example is this coffee machine which demanded a ransom before it would brew coffee. The value of the data is so much more valuable, so security must be a fundamental pillar of the implementation as opposed to being an afterthought.
Yes, 5G is a new network technology. It
is going to have a tremendous impact on changing industries such as city infrastructure, manufacturing and automotive. But this usecasepointstoopportunitiesoffurther disruption in the telecoms industry and beyond. Now, we just wait and see who jumps on the opportunity first. n
routers, IoT access points/gateways, and cellular access points. This new, essential integrated "connectivity + computation" element for edge computing architectures is the Smart Edge Node or SEN.
Beyond connect and compute capabilities, SENs must also have security built into their DNA; in the interfaces, processing, and overall system and software architecture. This embedded security is critical since
the additional nodes in this distributed computing architecture offer a larger attack surface for bad actors. In fact, as noted above, by embedding security as a core
SEN capability from the start, the increased number of distributed edge elements shifts from being a potential liability to a position of strength against many kinds of cyber- attacks. Rather than trying to block a DDOS attack at the target, you can block it at the sources, before it ever grows into a problem.
SENs must also have the ability to become part of a scalable multi-SEN application mesh so that the processing capacity of all of the SENs in a given local edge network can be leveraged as a single aggregated resource. If this application mesh can be created wirelessly and cellular WANs are used, the SENs need only have a physical connection to power. All other connectivity may be achieved wirelessly, making SEN deployment incredibly simple. And adding additional edge cloud processing capacity is as easy as powering up another SEN.
Having a scalable edge computing environment that minimizes support and is capable of delivering new services will drive service providers to offer all new immersive, real-time services to both consumers and enterprises. A distributed edge built on widely deployed and wirelessly SENs is the most viable and practical way to scale the edge.
Once service providers have the winning combination of 5G and a scalable edge computing network, they will be empowered to deliver new, innovative services for consumers and enterprises built around
IoT automation, V2X, AR, VR, video, and more. And of course, they will also enjoy the revenue streams that follow. n
ASK THE Telecom Pro
Telecom Reseller
September/October 2018
Nuvias awarded t Prodoscore
AnnouQnces the
for Poly
Partner Program
Building on its successful collaboration with Polycom, Nuvias Unified Communications
c entire Poly range – following the Plantronics
(UC) is extending its remit to cover the
s an MPOE?
What iA
IRVINE, CA - ProdoscoreTM, the workforce
acquisition of Polycom
productivity optimization company, has
Nuvias, the EMEA high-value distributor, announced the Prodoscore Partner Program,
is extending the reach of its UC vendor giving channel partners, managed service
ing Distributor status for providers, and consultants the ability to
portfolio by achiev
the Poly headset range across the UK, France bring innovative and actionable AI tools to
MPOE is an acronym for
and the Benelux.
a broad range of customers. Partners will
minimum point of entry. It
Poly, combining excellence in voice and receive customizable Go-To-Market and
denotes the physical location
video communication technology from sales enablement tools, free demo accounts,
where a telecom provider’s
Polycom and Plantronics, offers innovative, lead sharing opportunities, and lucrative
network facilities (wiring
smart solutions for the modern workspace, commissions. The Prodoscore Partner Program
or fiber) enter a customer’s
making it a perfect fit for Nuvias’ UC range. empowers parertmneisres.tTohaessMisPt OneEwisand existing
Intuitive, mobile, interoperable, Poly’s customteyrpsictoalilmy aplrsovtehceordpeomratrecapteirofonrmance
collaborative solutions are designed to andcreapteoianmt(oDrMepArRoCd)ufcotrivneewtworokrfkorcewhile
enable people to be productive wherever
responsibility. Customers
opening a revenue stream at the leading edge of
they are, across multiple collaboration
are responsible for network
the growing AI/ML software space.
platformsf.acilities and equipment “Prodoscore stands out because partners
can leverage the value proposition to win
Commuwnhiicleattioenlescsoamidp, “rWoveidaererseaxrpeerts in new customers and grow revenue from their
collaboreastipoonnasnibdleufnoifir ethdecofamcimlituiensications existing base, ultimately increasing their total
and equipment outside of the
technology for the channel. We have a
lifetime value,” said Michael Sterl, CEO of Carve
long history of enabling partners to take
Digital and Cloud Optik. “I like that a single
best-in-class solutions to their customers solution can help partners expand their services
and the addition of the Poly headset
to the C-suite, sales, marketing, and support
portfolio enables us to further enhance the departments.”
user experience. Our ability to deliver an end-to-end UC solution from Poly means
PRODOSCWORhEaCt RisEtAhTeEcSuCrOreMnPtLEMENTARY that our partners can provide a fully-
REVENUESTREAUMSFSrFaOtRe?PARTNERS integrated, interoperable solution, deployed
The product’s architecture makes it an inherent
and managed via our two-tier online complement to a partner’s existing technology
ordering platform HUB, provisioning and portfolio by allowing them to provide additional
management tools Dovetail.”
services without cannibalizing their staple
Nuvias Unified Communications
product lines. Prodoscore’s technology creates
incorpoTrahtesUtneicvhenrsoalol gSiersvfircoemFumnudltiple Actionable AnalyticsTM using a proprietary
vendor(sUfSoFr)tchoenfatrsitb-gurtoiowninfagcvtiodrefooarnd algorithm paired with Google Cloud Platform’s
4Q20 is 27.1%, which is the
voice collaboration market segment. Poly Machine Learning and Natural Language
highest it has been over the
enhances these solutions with its high- Processing APIs, from data generated by cloud
past three years. USAC, the
quality end-point devices to offer a truly applications like CRM and UCaaS platforms.
organization that manages
unique voice and video collaboration Partners can continue delivering returns on
the universal service program,
portfolio for the channel. Partners can also existing solutions because customers will
defines the contribution
access Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) and other discover new insights from data already within
factor as: “the percentage of
unique financing solutions through Nuvias their cuernrednut stecrhrnevoelonguyesthacakt.will be
Capital, helping organisations to accelerate
contributed to the Universal
partner growth.
Service Fund to support the
The flexible program
of all backgrounds ran force Telco ents
The ners of all b orce Consu re
is a gre
communications space looking to change
* Nuvias Capital services are available are
universal service programs, as
limited to the UK at the present time
established by the FCC.”
More at n Twelcomes partners
ging froRm Sales MC oEnDsIuAl t Pa nAtCsKt o
flexible program welcomes part ackgrounds ranging from Salesf
ltants to Telco Agents. Prodosco
at fit for channel partners in the
with the market because it provides additional
premise to UCaaS. Consultants and SIs already
Toll Free: 800 667-8965
in the Salesforce and Google ecosystems will
be able tocoafftegroaryn/oin-pcroinmtp/tetliencgompr-oduct that
enhances the value of services and solutions
P h