Page 6 - Telecom Reseller March April 2020
P. 6
6 Telecom Reseller
April/May 2020
Educational Online Conference
Live and On Demand
Telehealth has been evolving in the US for several years. Broadly, telehealth offers patient- provider care remotely and can include video chat visits for routine and non-emergency diagnosis and care.
A specific focus of telehealth is providing long-term care to users that do not have access to high speed networks and/or suitable devices for telehealth visits. In March 2020, the FCC approved a pilot program named Connected Care that is designed to support telehealth for low-income Americans and veterans.
ASK THE Telecom Pro May 2020
MSP Tech Talk Spring 2020
Are business continuity plans and disaster
recovery plans the same?
Business continuity plans and disaster recovery plans are related, but not identical. Business continuity plans address restoration of all business operations after a disruptive event. Disaster recovery plans address actions required to restore critical infrastructure after a disruptive event occurs. Disaster recovery plans are commonly treated as a subset of an overall
business cQ
ontinuity plan.
What is the FCC’s Connected Care
Microsoft Teams
Voice Activation
Service Pack
In these uncertain times, SOFTEL are supporting the new “at home” workforce, flash-enabling enterprise voice channels through E1 Microsoft Teams, keeping the voice of the workforce connected around the globe.