Page 2 - CKA February 2018
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The Prez Sez
In a separate letter, I have outlined the Board’s progress toward the most recent update of the Bylaws. As I mentioned, Bylaw revision is always an on-going process and this should not be considered a major revision by any stretch of the imagination. I would say the biggest change would be making communication via email an acceptable form of notice. While many would consider that task boring, I have found it to be an interesting and useful experience and exercise in organizational governance. Even though some provisions didn’t change, we still discussed their relevance and whether the wording could or should be minimized, maximized, clarified or fortified.
It is our hope that you will have an opportunity to review the proposed changes on page 6 and comment on them (either personally, by letter, carrier pigeon, email, or at the Coffee Talk with yours truly on February 4 at 10:30 a.m.). We will then seek to finalize the proposed changes at the February or March Board meeting so it can go out in advance of the Annual General Meeting on May 17 at 6:30 p.m.
If you are interested in being on the Board, or would prefer to be on a committee instead, reach out and let someone know. If you don’t want to contact me, try Rebecca, our Vice President and Chair of the Nominations Committee.
We are currently at 130 membership units (a family membership would be counted as 1 unit, and it looks like there are about 85 families and 45 individuals); we are excited about the prospects for further growth. People are moving to Clark County and finding us. If you know someone who might be interested, by all means invite them to a synagogue function. If they aren’t able to come to a service or function, see if you can give them a tour of the building.
Some of you may already know this but, for those of you who don’t, after 10 years of service to our congregation, Rabbi Dunsker has earned a 3-month sabbatical. Yes, the Decade of Dunsker has benefits! Although she hasn’t blocked out the specific dates yet, it will likely be at the end of the year. We have already begun the process of preparing for her (temporary) absence.
I hope to see many of you at the Coffee Talk, but if you can’t make it, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or one of our other congregational leaders. We want your feedback!!
Larry H
Who? YOU!
What? To serve on a committee or
CKA’s Board When? Starting in June
Why? To make new friends
To support your Jewish community
How? Contact Rebecca K
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Sh’vat / Adar 5778  February 2018 

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