Page 6 - Telecom Reseller May-June 2020
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6 Telecom Reseller
LARRY DORIE servers are exposed to the public, meaning
that anyone with an Internet connection can access them.
The results have been led to many breaches that have attracted much media attention, as they commonly include a scenario where hackers disrupt business meetings with profane and inappropriate
May/June 2020
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content. And the attacks aren’t isolated to one platform; they have been widespread across many publicly accessible video conferencing platforms. In order to successfully move forward with the use of video conferencing for business purposes, it’s essential to place a greater emphasis on the security features of video conferencing
platforms – with one security solution being the use advanced on-premise technologies that are proven to safeguard both small and large meetings.
The bottom line is that deployment of all remote access tools – including video conferencing platforms – needs to be done in a secure environment to protect the
What is the difference between jitter and packet Aloss?
Jitter and packet loss are terms used to define and measure the integrity
of data transmission across a packet switched network. Jitter measures the variance in delivery time between data packets. Jitter is measured in milliseconds (ms); 1 second equals 1,000 ms. Inconsistent packet delivery degrades transmission quality. In the case of voice and video transmission, humans begin to perceive jitter with a delay of 10 ms, which manifests as choppy voice or video. Packet loss is failure of
a network to deliver all packets transmitted, which degrades overall data
 ASK THE Telecom Pro June 2020
ity as well.
 How can I determine internet options for remote
 The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) maintains an interactive geographic information system (GIS) map of broadband options available at each street address in the United States. Details include providers, network technology used, and upload/download speeds available. This is a reliable resource for investigating available broadband options – https://broadbandmap.
Microsoft Teams
Voice Activation
Service Pack
 In these uncertain times, SOFTEL are supporting the new “at home” workforce, flash-enabling enterprise voice channels through E1 Microsoft Teams, keeping the voice of the workforce connected around the globe.

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